• National Sanitation Training Program

    This course provides food processing industry sanitation workers – more specifically, those who perform or will be performing sanitation , with an essential general background knowledge related to the principles of cleaning and sanitation as well as common food industry practices. It also provides detailed instruction on the facility-specific cleaning and sanitizing procedures. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Coaching for Success

    The EI-Coach is an effective approach to professional coaching that focuses on helping others become more intelligent with their emotions in the workplace and beyond. Exceptional supervisors use coaching to unlock human potential and improve workplace performance. EI-Coaching aims to fine-tune and build deeper connections through conversations and active listening. It also attempts to explore goals that stem from an employee's core values and independent choices. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    This course takes an in-depth look at an important topic that is sometimes overlooked – creating a positive environment in the workplace. It is the responsibility of everyone at work to make it the best atmosphere they can, from the executive in the corner office to the newest employee in the mailroom. You will be introduced to this topic here and will be guided through the steps and skills to make your place of work a positive, encouraging place to be. As an employee, or a leader within a company, you have a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Everyone has a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Even if this is not a company-wide reality you can seek to provide this type of environment for your department/division or those within your sphere of influence. This course will give you tools to be able to create the type of company environment that you crave through building and nurturing effective workplace relationships.
  • Effective Problem-Solving

    Everyone experiences problems from time to time. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. Oftentimes solving problems involves dealing with emotions either within ourselves or others. This is one of the main reasons why companies want employees who can effectively identify and solve problems. Effective problem solvers help their organizations operate more efficiently, be more innovative and deliver exceptional customer service, leading to improved job satisfaction and career development for the employee and higher performance for the organization.  Regardless of their level of complexity, problems are part of life and work. Therefore, problem-solving can be considered a life skill. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • HACCP Essentials and Applying HACCP

    As HACCP has such a profound importance in Food and Beverage Manufacturing, we have prepared a 13-hour, two-part crash course in HACCP. This series will prepare individuals for successful careers in food safety by covering two courses: HACCP Essentials (6 Hours, $250 Value) This course provides background information on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) technique, describes the pre-requisite programs that provide the foundation for the HACCP system and explains the purpose and scope of HACCP training within the food processing industry. As part of this, the course reviews the causes of food contamination with emphasis on the prevention of biological contamination and identifies and explains the seven HACCP principles. Applying HACCP (7 Hours $250 Value) This course focuses on how to develop, apply and maintain Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in a facility. The goal of this course is to help prevent food safety issues before they happen, rather than afterwards. This training will provide knowledge and strategies which clients can use to successfully develop and implement a HACCP System in the food processing industry. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Crisis Management

    Viable organizations need to be ready for emergencies because they are a fact of doing business. The worst plan is not to have any kind of plan at all, and the best plans are tested and adjusted so that they work over time. Fortunately, you do not need separate plans for fire, weather disasters, and all the different kinds of crises that can occur. One solid plan will help you to prevent, respond, and recover from all crises. This course will help you ensure your organization is ready to manage any kind of crisis.   Member price:  $184.00
  • Race & Culture in the DEI Workplace

    This is the second course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. Whether you are working to lead a multicultural and/or multilingual workforce or exploring your own attitudes and unconscious biases around racial diversity and inclusion as a manager or supervisor, this course will assist you in learning more about yourself and the possible racial and cultural perspectives within your organization. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • The Professional Supervisor

    With a host of new challenges and responsibilities to tackle, new supervisors need training that helps them adjust to their new role. Learning how to supervise your new employees on a trial and error basis can lead to discouragement. This course can help you overcome many of the problems a new supervisor may encounter, and to set the groundwork for a successful change in your working life!
  • Empathy at Work

    One of the most important reasons to become more empathetic is that empathy, as an emotional intelligence skill, is the key to unlock better and healthier relationships with others. Historically, our survival has depended on empathy because we are social beings who need others to grow and thrive. Employees with high levels of empathy can understand a situation from another person’s perspective and react with care and compassion. This means that employees are able to build true, empathetic connections with one another, which enhances relationships, collaboration, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. When empathy is valued and practiced in the workplace, it benefits everyone. Employees improve their well-being, confidence, and job satisfaction, which makes them happier. Happy employees go above and beyond to serve customers, which translates into higher performing business and prosperity for their communities. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Introduction Aux Allergènes

    Ce cours met en évidence l'importance et l'impact des allergènes sur la sécurité des consommateurs, ainsi que les raisons pour lesquelles la sensibilisation et la gestion des allergènes sont une préoccupation majeure de l'industrie alimentaire. Apprenez les causes et les effets liés aux allergènes alimentaires, les complexités associées à la gestion et à la prévention des allergènes alimentaires indésirables, et les exigences réglementaires canadiennes associées. *Devenez membre pour bénéficier d'une réduction de 20%
  • COVID-19 & Food Processing

    This course will help you integrate into Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker during the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19. We have prepared 6 modules of information that will help you be prepared to integrate into Canada comfortably as a temporary foreign worker during Covid-19. We will review the effects Covid-19 has had on immigration across Canada and how it may also affect you as a temporary foreign worker. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • I AM FOOD: Introduction to the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry

    This course serves as both an introduction and onboarding tool for anyone wanting to learn more about Canada's Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry. Whether you are deciding if this field is right for you or you've recently started a new position, this course was designed for you. You will have a chance to explore the importance of the industry and the critical role it plays in the lives of Canadians. Jam-packed with critical information for your career advancement, you will explore the dimensions of the Canadian labour market, national occupational standards, and key educational & training opportunities. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    Bullying is called the silent epidemic. Although half of workers have experienced or witnessed bullying, policies and laws dealing with it are far less prevalent. This is, in part, because bullying can be hard to identify and address. People wonder, what does bullying look like? How can we discourage it in our workplace? What can I do to protect my staff and co-workers? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this course.
  • Business Etiquette – Gaining That Extra Edge

    If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.
  • Building Better Teams

    Teams are an important building block of successful organizations. Whether the focus is on service, quality, cost, value, speed, efficiency, performance, or other similar goals, teams are the basic unit that supports most organizations. With teams at the core of corporate strategy, your success as an organization can often depend on how well you and other team members operate together. How are your problem-solving skills? Is the team enthusiastic and motivated to do its best? Do you work well together? This course can help you get there! *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Fraud and Authenticity

    This course will provide businesses with the tools and strategies to quantify, detect and prevent food fraud. It will also provide some guidelines and practices on how to build an anti-fraud culture in your company. Designed to give students a strong understanding of food fraud and food authenticity. This course emphasizes the importance of using existing legislative frameworks, strengthening of intelligence sharing and analysis to understand, mitigate and minimize fraud. Effective monitoring systems are essential to maintaining the integrity of a company’s own activities to maintain the assurance and integrity of its products, brand and supply chains. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Master Class

    This course covers the main steps of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) development, ensuring its effectiveness, basic SOP review and maintenance requirements. Learning material includes definition and examples of effective SOPs in food production environments, communication and team responsibilities, testing a prototype system and requirements for updating your facility’s SOP.
  • Effective Planning and Scheduling

    As project managers and leads, we all know how difficult it can be to accurately determine the duration of a project, yet that is exactly what is expected of us on a regular basis. This course will not disclose the secret of creating an accurate schedule, because there isn’t one. However, it will provide the factors and fundamental elements that you should consider and address when creating any type of schedule.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Fundamentals of Quality Assurance in the Food Processing Industry

    This course provides Quality Assurance Technicians and anyone interested in Quality Assurance in the food processing industry with: general knowledge and standard occupational skills necessary to successfully perform in this occupation. Quality Assurance is a critical function in the food processing industry, and this course provides food workers, at the Quality Technician level, with: general food safety and food quality assurance knowledge, strategies, practices, and tools. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Employee Accountability

    Accountability in the workplace means that all employees are responsible for their actions, behaviors, performance, and decisions. It's also linked to an increase in commitment to work and employee morale, which leads to higher performance. It is proven that organizations who promote accountability are more successful and more productive. In this course, you will learn about what accountability is, how to promote it in your organization, and how to become more accountable to yourself and others. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    Body language can make or break our efforts to establish long, trusting relationships. Our body language can help to reinforce and add credibility to what we say, or it can contradict our words. Understanding what signals you are sending, as well as being able to read the signals that your clients send, is an essential skill in sales and throughout our lives. What is your body language saying about you? Find out in this course!   Member Price: $100.00
  • Introduction to Cheesemaking

    This course allows the participant to become familiar with the basics of dairy chemistry and with the microbiology necessary to understand the vocabulary that supports the cheese industry. Furthermore, at the end of this training, the participant will know the main principles of cheese making including notions of quality and will be introduced to the concept of technological levers required to make adjustments during production. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • HACCP Essentials

    This course provides background information on the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) technique, describes the pre-requisite programs that provide the foundation for the HACCP system and explains the purpose and scope of HACCP training within the food processing industry. As part of this, the course reviews the causes of food contamination with emphasis on the prevention of biological contamination and identifies and explains the seven HACCP principles. Part 1 of a 13-hour HACCP pairing. See Part 2: Applying HACCP *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Giving Effective Feedback

    As human beings, we often hunger for feedback. However, many people will tell you that when they do get feedback, it’s often because of something they have done wrong. This course is designed to help workplace leaders learn how to provide feedback any time that the message is due. Whether feedback is formal or informal, and whether it is provided to employees, peers, or someone else, there are ways that it can be structured to be effective and lasting. This course will help participants learn why the way we deliver is feedback is important, how to deliver a message so that people accept it and make changes that may be needed, and how to accept feedback that we are offered.
  • Communication Strategies

    Creating positive relationships takes work, but like any skill, we can learn how to build these relationships by considering useful techniques and then making a decision to apply them. While we often think of communication as a coding and decoding process, we can also consider how communication is also a process of constructing meaning out of messages. This course is designed to create and maintain healthy, effective communication between co-workers, as well as within your personal relationships.
  • Introduction to Internal Audit

    This course provides information that assists the learner to understand why Internal Audits are done, by whom and how they are done. The course outlines the Internal Audit system, definitions, the planning phase, implementation and monitoring, verification practices, and documentation required for effective internal audits. Finally, the course aids the learner to understand the Internal Audit system’s functions.
  • The Spark Within

    This industry report looks at generational perspectives in Canada's Labour Force. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Business Ethics for the Office

    What exactly makes a decision ethical? The problem with ethics is that what may seem morally right (or ethical) to one person may seem appalling to another. This course will not provide you with an easy way to solve every ethical decision you will ever have to make. It will, however, help you define your ethical framework to make solving those ethical dilemmas easier. We’ll also look at some tools that you can use when you’re faced with an ethical decision. And, we’ll look at some techniques you can use so you don’t get stuck in an ethical quandary. Best of all, we’ll look at a lot of case studies so that you can practice making decisions in a safe environment.   Member Price: $100.00
  • On-Farm Food Safety Training

    This course will meet basic training requirements for on-farm food safety and provide a better understanding on how to implement efficient On-Farm HACCP-based systems. Participants will learn how to develop and enforce a food safety system overview based on a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to sustaining and growing your business in today’s environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • ABCs of Supervising

    The transition from team member to team leader can be difficult for anyone who has not had experience leading others in the past. This course breaks down what it means to become a leader, how to address the difference in your professional bearing, relationships and best prepare to take on your new responsibilities with great success.

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