I am an HR Professional
You’re a Human Resources expert looking to create or enhance a professional HR function for your organization. Evaluate, hire, assess and train, with access to Canada’s first online Skills Library exclusively for the food industry. Hundreds of competencies right at your fingertips.
Diversity Training – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace
$100.00More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. We all know what happens to organizations that don’t have effective teamwork: they fail. And, failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations. This course will give you ways to celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together. -
Employer and Employee Expectations
$125.00This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand what is expected of you as an employee within a Canadian Workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada. Workplace expectations differ in every country. Canadian workplace culture expects individuals to be competent in speaking, listening and socializing with other people; to know the etiquette of working harmoniously with co-workers and supervisors; and to understand and respect cultural differences in the workplace. Employees are also expected to know general business etiquette, how to dress for the production floor and the office environment, and their rights and obligations in the Canadian workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada. -
Overview of Food Safety Management Systems and Certification Schemes
$299.00This course discusses the importance of following food safety procedures and practices when working in Canadian food companies, as these are part of food safety culture. It outlines the role of governments and food companies in protecting the food supply and identifies how consumers can be negatively affected by improper practices. It covers the important role food workers have in following procedures and telling supervisors and coworkers of food safety problems. *Become a member to receive 20% off -
Delegation – The Art of Delegating Effectively
$155.00Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization. Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This course will explore many of the facets of delegation, including when to delegate and whom to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step and learn about techniques to overcome problems. Member price: $124.00 -
Business Etiquette – Gaining That Extra Edge
$125.00If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.
As a Human Resources professional, the Food Skills Library is what you’ve been looking for! The newly launched Food Skills Library hosts thousands of competencies, skills standards, and occupational profiles all in one place. Use the library to create job descriptions, assess your workers, map career paths, and create training programs.
Skills Library
We also host Canada’s first Skills Library for the food manufacturing industry! Use our skills library to design curriculum and learning activities based on the nation benchmarks for various positions. Evaluate you curriculum against the standards to ensure that you are preparing students with the skills, knowledge and abilities required to succeed in the workplace.
The industry's official benchmark for required skills
Hundreds of documents, including national occupational standards, essential skills, job descriptions, skills assessment checklist, language benchmarks.
For more information, contact
Dayna Poulin, Manger of Training Development & Communications
email dpoulin@fphrc.ca
phone 613-237-7988 x 226
Dayna Poulin, Manger of Training Development & Communications
email dpoulin@fphrc.ca
phone 613-237-7988 x 226