• Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 10 : Cessation d’emploi

    Une cessation d’emploi involontaire se produit lorsqu’un employeur congédie ou licencie un employé en raison d’un mauvais rendement, d’un motif valable, pour des raisons économiques ou pour toute autre raison pour laquelle il estime que les services de l’employé ne sont plus nécessaires. Bien que le congédiement d’un employé ne soit jamais agréable, il n’est pas nécessaire qu’il soit stressant. Vous pouvez congédier un employé de manière professionnelle et minimiser le risque d’action en justice simplement en étant prêt et en suivant les meilleures pratiques.  
  • The Spark Within

    This industry report looks at generational perspectives in Canada's Labour Force. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • TEMPLATE: Training Activities

    This two-page reference chart covers a range of activities that can be done as team building or coaching exercises at the workplace. This template can be easily customized and distributed to managers and other business leaders that will be responsible for the training and effectiveness of employees in your workplace. Activities Include: Case Study Methods Coaching Sessions Brainstorming Demonstrations Field Trips Lectures Games Group Discussions Learning Circles Panel Discussions Projects Role Playing Simulations Small Group Activities *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Buenas prácticas de manufactura (BPM)

    Descripción Este curso tratará sobre cómo los trabajadores del sector alimentario deben actuar, vestirse y ser conscientes de los peligros para la seguridad alimentaria y cómo pueden prevenirlos. Este curso le proporcionará los conocimientos y habilidades para comprender cómo las BPM apoyan la fabricación segura de alimentos y su papel en el apoyo de las BPM. Podrá identificar los peligros para la seguridad alimentaria y comprender cómo el comportamiento de los trabajadores del sector alimentario puede tener un impacto positivo o negativo en la seguridad alimentaria. Este curso le proporcionará los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para comprender cómo las BPM respaldan la fabricación segura de alimentos y cómo aplicarlas. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • 新冠肺炎疫情与食品加工

    描述 本课程将帮助您在 Covid-19 全球爆发期间作为临时外国工人融入加拿大。我们将仔细研究 Covid-19 对我们日常工作和家庭生活的影响,我们还将为您提供有关保持安全的有用提示,并找出保护您自己和您的同事免于生病的方法。完成本课程后,您将成为专家。 *成为会员可享受20%的折扣*
  • Seafood Processing Essentials

    As one of the oldest food processing industries in Canada, we will explore the many potential employment and career opportunities in the Canadian fish and seafood industry. Participants will learn the importance of Seafood to Canadians as well as the importance the government places on fish and seafood safety. These measures help ensure Canada’s high international ranking and determine your role in maintaining this high standard. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Confidentiality Agreement

    Often positions require giving employees access to sensitive company information, policies and processes. This one-page template covers all the key elements a standard confidentiality agreement requires to enforce non-disclosure of confidential company information. Sections Include: Definition of Confidential Information Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Effective Problem-Solving

    Everyone experiences problems from time to time. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. Oftentimes solving problems involves dealing with emotions either within ourselves or others. This is one of the main reasons why companies want employees who can effectively identify and solve problems. Effective problem solvers help their organizations operate more efficiently, be more innovative and deliver exceptional customer service, leading to improved job satisfaction and career development for the employee and higher performance for the organization.  Regardless of their level of complexity, problems are part of life and work. Therefore, problem-solving can be considered a life skill. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Monitoring Budget Performance

    This course provides the food and beverage processing industry supervisor with the knowledge and skills to monitor budget performance within a department or unit, and to communicate with the manager or financial consultants on budget performance. *Become a member to receive 20% off