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  • TEMPLATE: Human Resources Planning Checklist

    Are you asking the right questions when planning for the future needs of your business? The FPHRC’s HR Planning Checklist asks you the questions you need to address before taking action. These include questions like: What are the organization’s priorities (e.g., market share, revenues per customer)? What emerging directions or organizational changes will have an impact on HR issues (e.g., company expansion, higher-level skill requirements)? Is my plan consistent with other organizational policies such as our business plan and our HR manual? *From Module 2 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here
  • Business Ethics for the Office

    What exactly makes a decision ethical? The problem with ethics is that what may seem morally right (or ethical) to one person may seem appalling to another. This course will not provide you with an easy way to solve every ethical decision you will ever have to make. It will, however, help you define your ethical framework to make solving those ethical dilemmas easier. We’ll also look at some tools that you can use when you’re faced with an ethical decision. And, we’ll look at some techniques you can use so you don’t get stuck in an ethical quandary. Best of all, we’ll look at a lot of case studies so that you can practice making decisions in a safe environment.   Member Price: $100.00
  • Diversity Training – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. We all know what happens to organizations that don’t have effective teamwork: they fail. And, failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations. This course will give you ways to celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together.
  • Assainissement Niveau 1

    Description L’assainissement est important, et un plan d’assainissement fonctionnel et complet permet de réduire le risque de transfert de bactéries ou d’agents pathogènes à partir de surfaces, d’équipements et d’ustensiles non nettoyés. Ce cours aborde le nettoyage et l’assainissement des surfaces, des équipements et des ustensiles de contact alimentaire. À la fin du cours, vous serez en mesure de décrire les étapes d’un nettoyage et d’un assainissement efficaces, de choisir et de préparer des solutions de nettoyage et d’assainissement, ainsi que d’apprendre les meilleures pratiques pour vous protéger pendant que vous le faites. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • TEMPLATE: Interview Guide & Candidate Evaluation Chart

    The process of preparing for and selecting the best candidates for your business needs can be streamlined and efficient. This guide builds on the Application Screening Grid to encourage focus on a select few core competencies to score each applicant on during the interview process. This three-page resource includes scoring standards, customizable competency evaluation exercises for applicants to complete and tips on how to guide the interview process to make effective use of the time spent with each candidate. Sections Include: Interview Preparation Interview Process Establishing Rapport Sample Competency Evaluation *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • The Evolution of Cannabis in Canada

    This course will serve as a comprehensive history of cannabis in Canada. How did we get to a place where today we are one of the first industrialized countries in the world to legalize the recreational use of cannabis? Where do we go from here? Join us and learn about the past, present and future of cannabis in Canada. With cannabis now being legalized, this one-of-a-kind course offers you the opportunity to gain new and relevant knowledge about this emerging industry. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Communication Strategies

    Creating positive relationships takes work, but like any skill, we can learn how to build these relationships by considering useful techniques and then making a decision to apply them. While we often think of communication as a coding and decoding process, we can also consider how communication is also a process of constructing meaning out of messages. This course is designed to create and maintain healthy, effective communication between co-workers, as well as within your personal relationships.
  • Initiation aux Plans de Contrôle Préventif

    Ce cours vous sensibilisera davantage au projet de Règlement sur la salubrité des aliments au Canada, à ses répercussions sur vos activités et aux plans de contrôle préventif (PCP), si bien que les connaîtrez mieux. Les divers exercices et évaluations vous aideront à déterminer les renseignements que contient un PCP et à déterminer l’information qui vous manque. Nous utilisons une foule de ressources de sources diverses pour vous aider à comprendre ce qu’est un PCP. Il s’agit là d’une excellente occasion pour vous d’être proactif et d’élaborer votre propre PCP. * Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de réduction
  • Workplace Essentials: Thinking Skills

    This course addresses thinking skills, which are high on the list of skills which extensive government and industry research has identified as essential to success in work, learning and life. These skills provide the foundation for learning other skills and are the cornerstone of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning and workplace skills training are closely linked to productivity, adaptability and innovation, all vital elements of today’s competitive and rapidly changing global business environment. This course provides guidelines for making decisions, solving problems, thinking critically, resolving staff conflict, improving products and processes, providing quality control, and facilitating change. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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