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Showing 154–162 of 183 results


  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 9 : Diversité et inclusion

    Les questions liées à la diversité et à l’inclusion, comme le recrutement et le maintien en poste, la réputation de l’employeur, l’image de marque de l’employeur et le respect des exigences juridiques et en matière de droits de la personne de l’employeur, attirent de plus en plus l’attention des employés, des gestionnaires et des propriétaires d’entreprises au Canada. La diversité englobe toutes les façons dont les individus diffèrent, tandis que l’inclusion crée une culture qui prône, respecte, accepte et apprécie la diversité. Les employeurs ont une grande influence sur la société et peuvent jouer un rôle important pour faire de nos collectivités de meilleurs endroits où vivre. Favoriser un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif peut améliorer l’expérience des employés et stimuler le succès de votre entreprise dans son ensemble, mais l’engagement à cet égard commence avec les dirigeants de votre organisation.  
  • Effective Problem-Solving

    Everyone experiences problems from time to time. Some of our problems are big and complicated, while others may be more easily solved. Oftentimes solving problems involves dealing with emotions either within ourselves or others. This is one of the main reasons why companies want employees who can effectively identify and solve problems. Effective problem solvers help their organizations operate more efficiently, be more innovative and deliver exceptional customer service, leading to improved job satisfaction and career development for the employee and higher performance for the organization.  Regardless of their level of complexity, problems are part of life and work. Therefore, problem-solving can be considered a life skill. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 4 : Rémunération et avantages sociaux

    Le maintien d’une rémunération et d’avantages sociaux équitables est un facteur clé de la satisfaction, de l’attraction, du maintien en poste et de la motivation des employés. Ce module examine le processus d’établissement de programmes de rémunération, de récompenses et d’avantages sociaux équitables et efficaces.  
  • Food Safety and Meat Processing 101

    Food Safety & Meat Processing 101 is an interactive, online course that focuses on Industry Legislation & Regulation, Workplace Policies & Procedures, Food Processing Equipment, Workplace Health & Safety, Meat Types and Cuts 101, Knife Sharpening, Food Safety, Cleaning and sanitation including waste, Product Quality, Food Traceability and Communication & Leadership Skills. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Interpersonal Relationships

    Interpersonal skills are one of the building blocks of emotional intelligence and are highly in demand by employers. While your expertise and technical ability are essential components of your success, your social skills might actually be your most precious social skill set of all.  
  • Канада — культура на рабочем месте

    Описание Канада - огромная страна с множеством различных культур. Понимание того, что делает Канаду такой разнообразной страной, является важнейшим навыком для того, чтобы быть членом команды на канадском рабочем месте. Существуют различные аспекты канадского рабочего места, которые могут отличаться от рабочих мест в других странах. Мы внимательно рассмотрим такие темы, как основные канадские факты, соответствующий этикет на рабочем месте, включая язык тела, коммуникативные навыки и общепринятые правила вежливости, а также важность демонстрации адаптивности, трудовой этики и рабочей инициативы. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • Introduction to Quality Assurance and Quality Control

    This course covers the roles and responsibilities of Quality Assurance and Quality Control in developing a Quality System. Participants will go through the background of the roles as well as what is important to understand when implementing Quality Systems. This course is applicable to all personnel in a food processing plant with roles in determining quality: owners, supervisors, quality manager, quality technician, production personnel, sanitation team, plant manager, food safety team, etc. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence skills, also known as skills for success, contribute to 80% of your career and personal success. An employee with high Emotional Intelligence is aware of their emotions and can manage feelings, impulses and communicate effectively with others. They solve problems and build rapport in tense situations. These employees also have empathy, work well with others to build productive relationships in the workplace, remain optimistic in the face of adversity, bounce up quickly from setbacks and strive to perform. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Distribution & Warehouse Food Safety

    Canada has one of the best food safety systems in the world. That’s because businesses have a good record in food safety and the government has a good reputation for keeping the food supply safe. Employees involved in shipping, receiving and warehousing of foods are part of the reason for this. This course will help you understand your role in Good Warehouse Practices and the food safety practices that apply in food processing companies, distribution centres and logistics firms. *Become a member to receive 20% off