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Showing 1–9 of 183 results


  • Надлежащая производственная практика

    Описание На этом курсе будет обсуждаться, как работники общественного питания должны действовать, одеваться и быть осведомлены об опасностях, связанных с безопасностью пищевых продуктов, и как они могут их предотвратить.  Этот курс предоставит вам знания и навыки, необходимые для понимания того, как GMPS поддерживают безопасное производство пищевых продуктов, и вашей роли в поддержке GMPs.  Вы сможете определить угрозы безопасности пищевых продуктов и понять, как поведение работников общественного питания может оказать положительное или отрицательное влияние на безопасность пищевых продуктов. Этот курс предоставит вам знания и навыки, необходимые для понимания того, как GMPS поддерживают безопасное производство пищевых продуктов и как внедрять GMPS. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan

    GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan, goes over the contents of the data privacy plan, details various policy procedures that need to be written in detail, talks about privacy training, and more.
  • Managing Recall in a Wired World

    A recall is intended to remove food products when there is reason to believe the products may be unsafe. Even with the best planning, food safety incidents that result in recall can occur. It makes good business sense to be well prepared to respond to any challenges to your company’s well-being. This course will provide workers with an up-to-date overview of how and why we need to manage food recalls in today’s technological and social media connected society. Understand the consequences and effects of product recalls on the food and beverage processing industry. Examine techniques that assist processors to deliver information to the public, consumers, customers, and suppliers that aid in managing recalls effectively. Learn the roles and responsibilities of the recall team with an emphasis on food safety and prevention. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Sanitation: Level 1

    This course provides food processing industry sanitation workers – more specifically, those who perform or will be performing sanitation , with an essential general background knowledge related to the principles of cleaning and sanitation as well as common food industry practices. It also provides detailed instruction on the facility-specific cleaning and sanitizing procedures. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Communication orale

    Description Ce cours vous enseignera la communication orale, une compétence essentielle pour réussir au travail, dans l’apprentissage et dans la vie en général. La communication orale est le fondement de l’apprentissage d’autres compétences et constitue la base de l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

    Good communications are vital to building good working relationships. This course is written for employees with intermediate competency in English as their second language. Exercises will explore the four main categories of communication: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. It explores gaps in communication as the result of cultural language differences and provide exercises to help connect those gaps.
  • Critical Thinking

    In today’s society, many people experience information overload. We are bombarded with messages to believe various ideas, purchase things, support causes, and lead our lifestyle in a particular way. How do you know what to believe? How do you separate the truth from the myths? The answer lies in critical thinking skills. The ability to clearly reason through problems and to present arguments in a logical, compelling way has become a key skill for survival in today’s world. This course will give you some practical tools and hands-on experience with critical thinking and problem solving.
  • The Spark Within

    This industry report looks at generational perspectives in Canada's Labour Force. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Aspectos básicos de los Procedimientos Estándar de Operación (SOP) y de los Procedimientos Estándar de Operación de Saneamiento (SSOP)

    Descripción Este curso cubre los antecedentes y la comprensión de lo que son un procedimiento operativo estándar y un procedimiento operativo estándar de saneamiento. Los participantes podrán aprender e identificar cómo se establecen y por qué son importantes para la industria alimentaria. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*