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Showing 136–144 of 239 results


  • Comunicación oral

    Descripción En el sitio de trabajo, nos comunicamos el uno al otro de muchas maneras, desde mensajes escritos hasta usando lenguaje de señas. Una de las formas mas comunes para comunicarse en el lugar de trabajo es hablando con otros. Una buena comunicación en el sitio de trabajo es muy importante. Los mejores comunicadores usan estrategias y técnicas para transmitir su mensaje. Durante este curso, usted aprenderá a usar los consejos y herramientas de una comunicación eficaz en el lugar de trabajo lo cual valdrá la pena por su tiempo y esfuerzo. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • Bloqueo Etiquetado

    Descripción La seguridad de los trabajadores es primordial. El procesamiento de alimentos suele ser a escala industrial, con equipos automatizados y muchos peligros potenciales. Ser consciente y estar entrenado para manejar estos peligros potenciales y situaciones en el lugar de trabajo es fundamental para la seguridad de los empleados. Este curso proporcionará a los trabajadores de la industria alimentaria conocimientos sobre los requisitos de seguridad necesarios para garantizar un entorno de trabajo saludable y seguro. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • Making Training Stick

    We have all participated in training courses or workshops. Some of these have been helpful and useful in our everyday lives and others have seemed redundant and a waste of time. How often have we cheered or grumbled at being asked to participate in a training day? The good news is that all training can be useful and applicable if the trainer keeps some simple tips in mind when developing and applying training. We all learn differently, but there are some truths about learning that can be applicable to most groups and can be tweaked to fit any training session.
  • 新冠肺炎疫情与食品加工

    描述 本课程将帮助您在 Covid-19 全球爆发期间作为临时外国工人融入加拿大。我们将仔细研究 Covid-19 对我们日常工作和家庭生活的影响,我们还将为您提供有关保持安全的有用提示,并找出保护您自己和您的同事免于生病的方法。完成本课程后,您将成为专家。 *成为会员可享受20%的折扣*
  • Managing the Virtual Workplace

    The International Data Corporation estimates that by 2020 mobile workers will account for nearly three quarters of the workforce in the United States. Make sure you’re on top of the virtual workplace trend with this one-day Managing the Virtual Workplace training course. Through this course you will understand the advantages to business and employees of remote work, as well as the disadvantages that can be associated and the best ways to manage them. Learning Objectives: After completing this course, you will be able to: Create a virtual workplace strategy. Develop, implement, and maintain telecommuting programs. Build a virtual team and lead them to success. Plan and lead virtual meetings. Use technology to support your virtual workplace. Overcome cultural barriers when leading virtual teams. Develop your virtual leadership skills. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 10: Employment Termination

    Involuntary termination is when an employer fires or terminates an employee due to poor performance, just cause, for economic reasons, or for any other reason for which they feel the employee’s services are no longer required. While dismissing an employee is never pleasant, it needn’t be stressful. You can conduct a termination in a professional manner and minimize the risk of legal action simply by being prepared and following best practices.  
  • TEMPLATE: Reference Letter

    When searching for employment, reference from a previous supervisor or manager can go a long way. This one-page template makes drafting a concise and professional letter of reference almost effortless. Employers need only insert employee name, job title, responsibilities, length of employment and examples of performance & behavior. Once signed and dated the letter of reference is ready to be submitted to the departing employee. Reference Consent Form Includes: Release of Employee File Information Signatures Personal Data Name Address Telephone Email Alternate Contact Number *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Empathy at Work

    One of the most important reasons to become more empathetic is that empathy, as an emotional intelligence skill, is the key to unlock better and healthier relationships with others. Historically, our survival has depended on empathy because we are social beings who need others to grow and thrive. Employees with high levels of empathy can understand a situation from another person’s perspective and react with care and compassion. This means that employees are able to build true, empathetic connections with one another, which enhances relationships, collaboration, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. When empathy is valued and practiced in the workplace, it benefits everyone. Employees improve their well-being, confidence, and job satisfaction, which makes them happier. Happy employees go above and beyond to serve customers, which translates into higher performing business and prosperity for their communities. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • TEMPLATE: Education Reimbursement Form

    There is no better way to develop talent and encourage loyalty then covering or assisting in the education of your employees. This two-page template covers the necessary information required from both employee and employer when evaluating the value of a field of study. Mutually beneficial arrangements conclude with both parties signing the attached forms to be held on file pending the successful completion of courses involved. Reimbursement Form Includes: Employee Information Course Information Course Benefits Employee Authorization Signatures & Payment Approval *From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.

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