• Introduction to Cheesemaking

    This course allows the participant to become familiar with the basics of dairy chemistry and with the microbiology necessary to understand the vocabulary that supports the cheese industry. Furthermore, at the end of this training, the participant will know the main principles of cheese making including notions of quality and will be introduced to the concept of technological levers required to make adjustments during production. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Canadian Workplace Cultures

    Canada is a vast country with many different cultures. Understanding what makes Canada such a diverse country is a critical skill in being a team member in a Canadian workplace. There are various aspects of a Canadian workplace that may not be the same as a workplace in other countries. We will take a close look at topics such as basic Canadian facts, appropriate workplace etiquette including body language, communication skills and common courtesies, as well as the importance of demonstrating adaptability, work ethic, and work initiative. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • How to Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent

    This course will introduce participants to candidate-centric recruiting, including tips and techniques that drive positive candidate experience, strengthen recruitment, maintain engagement and improve retention of new employees. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Lock Out Tag Out

    This program is designed to introduce to the topic of Lock Out - Tag Out (LOTO), so you can better comprehend the occupational health and safety instructions given to you on the job as they relate to LOTO and its broader safety topic of energy isolation.
  • HACCP Fundamentals

    This course provides an understanding of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and the importance of having a food safety program. This introductory program outlines how every person working at that facility can have either a positive or a negative impact on food safety. Participants should be able to explain the benefits of a HACCP system, understand hazards and how they can be controlled, and the importance of GMP and Prerequisite Programs.  
  • Communication Strategies

    Creating positive relationships takes work, but like any skill, we can learn how to build these relationships by considering useful techniques and then making a decision to apply them. While we often think of communication as a coding and decoding process, we can also consider how communication is also a process of constructing meaning out of messages. This course is designed to create and maintain healthy, effective communication between co-workers, as well as within your personal relationships.
  • English as a Second Language: A Workplace Communications Primer

    Good communications are vital to building good working relationships. This course is written for employees with intermediate competency in English as their second language. Exercises will explore the four main categories of communication: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. It explores gaps in communication as the result of cultural language differences and provide exercises to help connect those gaps.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    This course takes an in-depth look at an important topic that is sometimes overlooked – creating a positive environment in the workplace. It is the responsibility of everyone at work to make it the best atmosphere they can, from the executive in the corner office to the newest employee in the mailroom. You will be introduced to this topic here and will be guided through the steps and skills to make your place of work a positive, encouraging place to be. As an employee, or a leader within a company, you have a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Everyone has a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Even if this is not a company-wide reality you can seek to provide this type of environment for your department/division or those within your sphere of influence. This course will give you tools to be able to create the type of company environment that you crave through building and nurturing effective workplace relationships.
  • Food Safety and Meat Processing 101

    Food Safety & Meat Processing 101 is an interactive, online course that focuses on Industry Legislation & Regulation, Workplace Policies & Procedures, Food Processing Equipment, Workplace Health & Safety, Meat Types and Cuts 101, Knife Sharpening, Food Safety, Cleaning and sanitation including waste, Product Quality, Food Traceability and Communication & Leadership Skills. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Interview Skills for the Food & Beverage Processing Industry

    Interview Skills for the Food and Beverage Industry addresses the many Interview skills and practices required for finding employment in the Canadian work environment. This course provides strategies, tips, and guidelines for understanding the Canadian hiring process, developing effective cover letters and resumes, being successful in job search activities, knowing what to wear to interviews, and what to expect and do before, during, and after a job interview. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Employee Accountability

    Accountability in the workplace means that all employees are responsible for their actions, behaviors, performance, and decisions. It's also linked to an increase in commitment to work and employee morale, which leads to higher performance. It is proven that organizations who promote accountability are more successful and more productive. In this course, you will learn about what accountability is, how to promote it in your organization, and how to become more accountable to yourself and others. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Diversity Training – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. We all know what happens to organizations that don’t have effective teamwork: they fail. And, failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations. This course will give you ways to celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together.
  • Customer Service Training – Critical Elements of Customer Service

    The need to lead, model, and promote the organizational values within a customer service environment is essential for business success. This course will provide you with opportunities to explore your responsibilities within your role as a leader (supervisor or manager) in a customer service environment.   Member price:  $132.00
  • Critical Thinking

    In today’s society, many people experience information overload. We are bombarded with messages to believe various ideas, purchase things, support causes, and lead our lifestyle in a particular way. How do you know what to believe? How do you separate the truth from the myths? The answer lies in critical thinking skills. The ability to clearly reason through problems and to present arguments in a logical, compelling way has become a key skill for survival in today’s world. This course will give you some practical tools and hands-on experience with critical thinking and problem solving.
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    Creative thinking and innovation are vital components in both our personal and professional lives. However, many people feel as though they are lacking in creativity. What most of us do not recognize is that we are creative on a daily basis, whether it’s picking out what clothes to wear in the morning or stretching a tight budget at work. While these tasks may not normally be associated with creativity, there is a great deal of creativity involved to get those jobs done. While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process. That’s what this course is all about.    

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