• Empathy at Work

    One of the most important reasons to become more empathetic is that empathy, as an emotional intelligence skill, is the key to unlock better and healthier relationships with others. Historically, our survival has depended on empathy because we are social beings who need others to grow and thrive. Employees with high levels of empathy can understand a situation from another person’s perspective and react with care and compassion. This means that employees are able to build true, empathetic connections with one another, which enhances relationships, collaboration, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. When empathy is valued and practiced in the workplace, it benefits everyone. Employees improve their well-being, confidence, and job satisfaction, which makes them happier. Happy employees go above and beyond to serve customers, which translates into higher performing business and prosperity for their communities. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Knowing & Handling My Emotions

    Knowing and handling our emotions effectively are the key to self-mastery. One way to define self-mastery is being aware of your own emotions and being able to handle them in positively.  You can also think of self-mastery as being similar to self-control.  When you do something that you think is the right choice, even if it is hard, you’re showing self-mastery. By completing this training, you will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools that will help you better understand your own emotions and how to handle them, which results in greater self-mastery. By applying these self-mastery skills, you will experience improved satisfaction with your job, career and life, and your contributions in the workplace will become more positively impactful and professional. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Supervise Employee Performance

    Working with people is one of the most important factors of team environments. This is especially important for supervisors, management or anyone responsible for the time, performance and talent of others. This course will provide tools and strategies to better supervise, motivate and manage your teams effectively. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Creating and Selling Cannabis Infused Products

    This course provides an introduction to the cannabis-infused product industry. Understand the law that governs and will govern cannabis-infused products in Canada, be able to distinguish between the principal ingredients that make up a cannabis-infused product, comprehend the different methods of production and understand the difference between a medical and recreational cannabis-infused product. Once you have completed this course, you will be able to understand and demonstrate the skills to provide general knowledge related to cannabis and cannabis edible products in Canada. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Giving Effective Feedback

    As human beings, we often hunger for feedback. However, many people will tell you that when they do get feedback, it’s often because of something they have done wrong. This course is designed to help workplace leaders learn how to provide feedback any time that the message is due. Whether feedback is formal or informal, and whether it is provided to employees, peers, or someone else, there are ways that it can be structured to be effective and lasting. This course will help participants learn why the way we deliver is feedback is important, how to deliver a message so that people accept it and make changes that may be needed, and how to accept feedback that we are offered.
  • Marijuana In the Workplace: Issues, Impacts and Responsibilities

    The rules and responsibilities of Marijuana in the workplace are a topic employers and employees alike must be well versed in for today’s workplace. Especially in the food and manufacturing industry the use of cannabis during work hours can be a dangerous hazard for all parties involved. As such it is important to have appropriate policies in place governing it’s use, and clear training provided to all employees to mitigate risk. Join us as we explore the impact and responsibilities of Marijuana in the workplace. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Workplace Essentials: Document Use

    This course addresses document use, one of the skills which extensive government and industry research has identified as essential to success in work, learning and life. These skills provide the foundation for learning other skills and are the cornerstone of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning and workplace skills training are closely linked to productivity, adaptability and innovation, all vital elements of today’s competitive and rapidly changing global business environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Building Team Resilience

    The purpose of this Building Team Resilience course is to provide team leaders with leadership and workplace practices that build the resilience of members of their work teams in order to positively contribute to workplace productivity and engagement, create a work environment where employees feel connected, supported, and safe, and reduce employee stress levels. Participants will also learn tips for becoming a more resilient leader. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Introduction to Preventive Control Plans

    In this course, we'll explore various technical terms and concepts associated with food safety, accompanied by industry-specific real-life examples. Our focus will be on the distribution of responsibility for food safety, and we'll provide you with practical guidance on developing successful food safety cultures, implementing preventative control plans, and navigating the federal inspection process. This course is an excellent option for those who are federally registered or export outside of Canada and want to refresh their knowledge. Stay informed about the latest trends and scientific findings in food safety by reaching out to us if you have any questions or concerns. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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