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Showing 151–180 of 239 results


  • Communication Strategies

    Creating positive relationships takes work, but like any skill, we can learn how to build these relationships by considering useful techniques and then making a decision to apply them. While we often think of communication as a coding and decoding process, we can also consider how communication is also a process of constructing meaning out of messages. This course is designed to create and maintain healthy, effective communication between co-workers, as well as within your personal relationships.
  • ABCs of Supervising

    The transition from team member to team leader can be difficult for anyone who has not had experience leading others in the past. This course breaks down what it means to become a leader, how to address the difference in your professional bearing, relationships and best prepare to take on your new responsibilities with great success.
  • TEMPLATE: Exit Checklist

    Use our termination checklist to verify all necessary steps have been taken to ensure a smooth transition from the company. This is a ready to use on-page tool to sign off on all mandatory termination steps i.e. security and employee badges returned, pager, computer, company cell phone... The template is designed to be signed off by the employee, Human Resources and Payroll. Termination Checklist Includes: Employee Information Termination Information Items for Collection Contracts to Terminate Signatures *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee Exit Survey

    Termination can be a learning experience for both parties. This checklist allows employers to gather information about why this employee is leaving (if by choice) i.e. more competitive benefits or compensation packages, working conditions or employee rights. This template includes 70 example questions designed to gather the most valuable information for your business needs. Exit Survey Includes: Employee Information Departure Reasons (16) Management (16) Work Environment (18) Training & Career Development (20) *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 10 : Cessation d’emploi

    Une cessation d’emploi involontaire se produit lorsqu’un employeur congédie ou licencie un employé en raison d’un mauvais rendement, d’un motif valable, pour des raisons économiques ou pour toute autre raison pour laquelle il estime que les services de l’employé ne sont plus nécessaires. Bien que le congédiement d’un employé ne soit jamais agréable, il n’est pas nécessaire qu’il soit stressant. Vous pouvez congédier un employé de manière professionnelle et minimiser le risque d’action en justice simplement en étant prêt et en suivant les meilleures pratiques.  
  • TEMPLATE: Education Reimbursement Form

    There is no better way to develop talent and encourage loyalty then covering or assisting in the education of your employees. This two-page template covers the necessary information required from both employee and employer when evaluating the value of a field of study. Mutually beneficial arrangements conclude with both parties signing the attached forms to be held on file pending the successful completion of courses involved. Reimbursement Form Includes: Employee Information Course Information Course Benefits Employee Authorization Signatures & Payment Approval *From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Building a Brand on Social Media

    Your brand speaks for your company and its products and/or services. In today’s online-focused world, it’s important that your brand has a definitive, consistent, and responsive presence. Whether you’re looking to build a brand from scratch, or strengthen an existing brand, this course will help you build a brand using social media. We’ll cover how to build a social media strategy, identify social media platforms that fit your brand, craft strong messages that will engage your audience, and evaluate and revise your strategy.   Member Price: $76.00
  • Aspectos básicos de los Procedimientos Estándar de Operación (SOP) y de los Procedimientos Estándar de Operación de Saneamiento (SSOP)

    Descripción Este curso cubre los antecedentes y la comprensión de lo que son un procedimiento operativo estándar y un procedimiento operativo estándar de saneamiento. Los participantes podrán aprender e identificar cómo se establecen y por qué son importantes para la industria alimentaria. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • On-Farm Food Safety Training

    This course will meet basic training requirements for on-farm food safety and provide a better understanding on how to implement efficient On-Farm HACCP-based systems. Participants will learn how to develop and enforce a food safety system overview based on a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to sustaining and growing your business in today’s environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 10: Employment Termination

    Involuntary termination is when an employer fires or terminates an employee due to poor performance, just cause, for economic reasons, or for any other reason for which they feel the employee’s services are no longer required. While dismissing an employee is never pleasant, it needn’t be stressful. You can conduct a termination in a professional manner and minimize the risk of legal action simply by being prepared and following best practices.  
  • TEMPLATE: Mentoring Program Development Checklist

    Mentoring programs are an effective way to encourage growth, skill development and prepare for succession planning by encouraging employees take on leading roles among their colleagues and peers. This two-page package includes both a checklist of questions geared to prepare employees and mentors for the process as well as a sheet to track the action plan. Learning objectives are easily identified, as well as timeframes, methods of evaluation and mentor comments allowing your human resources team to easily determine effectiveness of mentoring candidates. Checklist Includes: Familiarize staff with informal training by using one-on-one coaching or on-the-job help sessions. Identify individuals that might benefit from a mentoring program. Introduce and explain the mentoring program by meeting with your employees in a workshop, seminar, or discussion-group setting. Meeting management suggestions. Collect information on potential candidates and determine appropriate matches based on similarities in employee interests and needs. Discuss how each person will benefit from the process. Set a time and place for the next meeting. Create an action plan. Allow the mentor and protégé to steer the process as it moves forward. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Introduction to Regulatory Requirements

    Working with people is one of the most important factors of team environments. This is especially important for supervisors, management or anyone responsible for the time, performance and talent of others. This course will provide tools and strategies to better supervise, motivate and manage your teams effectively. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Business Succession Planning – Developing and Maintaining a Succession Plan

    Change is a hallmark of today’s business world. In particular, our workforce is constantly changing – people come and go, and move into new roles within the company. Succession planning can help you make the most of that change by ensuring that when someone leaves, there is someone new to take their place. This course will teach you the basics about creating and maintaining a succession plan.   Member Price: $132.00
  • Managing Recall in a Wired World

    A recall is intended to remove food products when there is reason to believe the products may be unsafe. Even with the best planning, food safety incidents that result in recall can occur. It makes good business sense to be well prepared to respond to any challenges to your company’s well-being. This course will provide workers with an up-to-date overview of how and why we need to manage food recalls in today’s technological and social media connected society. Understand the consequences and effects of product recalls on the food and beverage processing industry. Examine techniques that assist processors to deliver information to the public, consumers, customers, and suppliers that aid in managing recalls effectively. Learn the roles and responsibilities of the recall team with an emphasis on food safety and prevention. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Distribution & Warehouse Food Safety

    Canada has one of the best food safety systems in the world. That’s because businesses have a good record in food safety and the government has a good reputation for keeping the food supply safe. Employees involved in shipping, receiving and warehousing of foods are part of the reason for this. This course will help you understand your role in Good Warehouse Practices and the food safety practices that apply in food processing companies, distribution centres and logistics firms. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Crisis Management

    Viable organizations need to be ready for emergencies because they are a fact of doing business. The worst plan is not to have any kind of plan at all, and the best plans are tested and adjusted so that they work over time. Fortunately, you do not need separate plans for fire, weather disasters, and all the different kinds of crises that can occur. One solid plan will help you to prevent, respond, and recover from all crises. This course will help you ensure your organization is ready to manage any kind of crisis.   Member price:  $184.00
  • Санитарная обработка – уровень 1

    Описание Этот курс предоставляет работникам санитарных служб пищевой промышленности, а точнее, тем, кто выполняет или будет выполнять санитарные работы, необходимые общие базовые знания, связанные с принципами очистки и санитарии, а также общепринятыми практиками пищевой промышленности. В нем также содержатся подробные инструкции по процедурам очистки и дезинфекции конкретного объекта. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • Developing a Training Needs Analysis

    The right training at the right time can make a huge difference in the productivity and profitability of your organization. Whether you are scanning your workplace for opportunities to make things better and training is the answer, or a client asks you to come into their organization and do an assessment, your answer is best framed in the form of a training needs analysis. Your ability to create an analysis that is comprehensive yet simply prepared is critical for it to be understood and acted upon. This course will help you to gather the information, assess the data, and present your suggestions for training or non-training solutions.   Member price:   $88.00  
  • Building your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills

    A healthy self-esteem is essential for growth and achieving success. Of all the judgments you make in life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be painful and unrelenting. In this course, you will discover some techniques that can dramatically change how you feel about yourself, and how you approach the world to get the things that you want.
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Job Advertisement

    This one-page template outlines the responsibilities, knowledge, skills and physical demands of a sample position for a food manufacturing company. Use this template to easily create and post your hiring needs to job boards everywhere. Sections Include: Company Introduction Position Overview Major Responsibilities Knowledge and Skills Physical Demands *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • The Spark Within

    This industry report looks at generational perspectives in Canada's Labour Force. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Numeracy

    The purpose of this Numeracy course is to help frontline production workers gain the skills required to make sense of and apply basic mathematical concepts and information common to job responsibilities and tasks. By completing this course, participants will gain the basic knowledge of numeracy to solve basic mathematical equations, complete mathematical calculations in the correct order, understand and calculate fractions and percentages for workplace situations, calculate and convert common units of measurement, track production data, and calculate averages. The information learned will help participants solve mathematical problems in different workplace situations. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • TEMPLATE: Human Resources Meeting Checklists

    Do you find some meetings long an inconclusive? Draw from the FPHRC’s high standards for respect, professionalism and best practice in your meetings today. This template may be the resource you need to ensure efficiency and productivity from all one on one or group interactions with clients, colleagues, potential hires and more. Checklists Include: Meeting Preparation Techniques Establishing a comfortable environment Building Trust Approaches to Communication Effective Closes *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Occupational Health & Safety – Module Eight FPHRC ORIGINAL (Draft)

    This module provides you with the tools and resources to satisfy Occupational Health and Safety laws enforced by municipal, provincial, federal and international bodies of government. These tools and resources allow you and your management teams to more easily prevent and control safety. You will find all the reference sheets, equations and lists you will need conveniently located in one place. Easy to reference in case of emergency. * Part of the FPHRC's Industry Leading Toolkit available in full here
  • TEMPLATE: Turnover Rate Calculation Tool

    This one-page resource makes it easy to calculate your employee turnover rate per month. Package Includes: Departures Per Month Voluntary Retirement Dismissal Discharged Other Active Files Active Files per Month Hires per month *From Module 7 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Covid-19 y el procesamiento de alimentos

    Descripción Este curso le ayudará a integrarse en el sitio de trabajo en Canadá. Se estudiara de cerca el efecto que tiene la Covid-19 en las rutinas diarias en el trabajo y en la casa. También se le proporcionaran consejos útiles para mantenerse a salvo, y descubrirá formas de protegerse a usted mismo y a sus compañeros de trabajo para no enfermar. Cuando termine este curso, será un experto. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • Assainissement Niveau 1

    Description L’assainissement est important, et un plan d’assainissement fonctionnel et complet permet de réduire le risque de transfert de bactéries ou d’agents pathogènes à partir de surfaces, d’équipements et d’ustensiles non nettoyés. Ce cours aborde le nettoyage et l’assainissement des surfaces, des équipements et des ustensiles de contact alimentaire. À la fin du cours, vous serez en mesure de décrire les étapes d’un nettoyage et d’un assainissement efficaces, de choisir et de préparer des solutions de nettoyage et d’assainissement, ainsi que d’apprendre les meilleures pratiques pour vous protéger pendant que vous le faites. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Master Class

    This course covers the main steps of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) development, ensuring its effectiveness, basic SOP review and maintenance requirements. Learning material includes definition and examples of effective SOPs in food production environments, communication and team responsibilities, testing a prototype system and requirements for updating your facility’s SOP.
  • Marijuana In the Workplace: Issues, Impacts and Responsibilities

    The rules and responsibilities of Marijuana in the workplace are a topic employers and employees alike must be well versed in for today’s workplace. Especially in the food and manufacturing industry the use of cannabis during work hours can be a dangerous hazard for all parties involved. As such it is important to have appropriate policies in place governing it’s use, and clear training provided to all employees to mitigate risk. Join us as we explore the impact and responsibilities of Marijuana in the workplace. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Body Language: Reading Body Language as a Sales Tool

    Body language can make or break our efforts to establish long, trusting relationships. Our body language can help to reinforce and add credibility to what we say, or it can contradict our words. Understanding what signals you are sending, as well as being able to read the signals that your clients send, is an essential skill in sales and throughout our lives. What is your body language saying about you? Find out in this course!   Member Price: $100.00

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