
TEMPLATE: Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires


Sample Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires

Being in good health and maintaining optimum health is of extreme importance when working in high risk food processing conditions. This one-page resource has a ready to use template employees would require signed by a doctor to clear them for duties in a high-risk environment. Also included is a visitor health questionnaire required to clear visitors to enter high-risk environments.

Questionnaires Include:

  • Employee Health Questionnaire
    • General Information
    • Symptom Multiple Choice
    • Employee Signature
    • Physician Signature
  • Visitor Health Questionnaire
    • Name
    • Organization
    • Date
    • Symptom Multiple Choice
    • Signatures
    • Required Actions

*From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.


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Being in good health and maintaining optimum health is of extreme importance when working in high risk food processing conditions. This one-page resource has a ready to use template employees would require signed by a doctor to clear them for duties in a high-risk environment. Also included is a visitor health questionnaire required to clear visitors to enter high-risk environments.

Questionnaires Include:

  • Employee Health Questionnaire
    • General Information
    • Symptom Multiple Choice
    • Employee Signature
    • Physician Signature
  • Visitor Health Questionnaire
    • Name
    • Organization
    • Date
    • Symptom Multiple Choice
    • Signatures
    • Required Actions

*From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.