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  • TEMPLATE: WHIMS Test and Answer Key

    Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHIMS) is an essential component of every workplace where hazardous materials may be encountered. In 2015 this system was updated to align with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling Chemicals (GHS) This seven-page resource includes all the newest pictograms along with their updated definitions. Included are the two styles of label and four symbols required on containers following this updated system. Once the learning material has been absorbed employees can be tested with the attached WHIMS Test and scored for their knowledge of handling hazardous materials as regulated by Federal and International law. WHIMS Package Includes: WHIMS Reference Guide The 10 WHIMS Pictograms The 4 WHIMS Container Labels Consumer Product Definitions Label Use Laws & Legislation Safety Data Sheets (SDS) WHIMS Test Match symbols to the Description Multiple Choice True or False WHIMS Test Answer Key Assessment Results & Signatures *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Alérgenos Nivel 1

    Descripción Este curso cubre la lista prioritaria de alergenos en Canada como también los sulfatos y las fuentes de gluten. Usted sera capaz de identificar las fuentes y describir las mejores practicas y regulaciones para prevenir accidentes de seguridad alimentaria relacionada con alergenos. El aprendizaje sera mas fácil através de las actividades, pruebas y juegos interactivos. Sus conocimientos se pondrán a prueba en el examen final y luego recibirá su certificado oficial. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • TEMPLATE: Job Offer Template with Pay & Benefits Outline

    This template will help you create an effective offer letter for successful candidates. Replace the text in parentheses with relevant information and you’ll have a letter of offer drafted in no time. Although not mandatory, we’ve included a thorough pay and benefits outline to provide the successful candidate with position details essential to make an informed decision of job acceptance or declination. Ready to use or easily adapt to suit your corporate branding. Sections Include: Letter of Offer Structure Pay and Benefits Outline Probation Period Performance Reviews Paid Vacations and Holidays Group Benefits *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • ABCs of Supervising

    The transition from team member to team leader can be difficult for anyone who has not had experience leading others in the past. This course breaks down what it means to become a leader, how to address the difference in your professional bearing, relationships and best prepare to take on your new responsibilities with great success.
  • Coaching for Success

    The EI-Coach is an effective approach to professional coaching that focuses on helping others become more intelligent with their emotions in the workplace and beyond. Exceptional supervisors use coaching to unlock human potential and improve workplace performance. EI-Coaching aims to fine-tune and build deeper connections through conversations and active listening. It also attempts to explore goals that stem from an employee's core values and independent choices. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 2 : Planification des ressources humaines

    La planification des ressources humaines est un processus que les gestionnaires utilisent pour prendre des décisions sur les meilleures façons d’allouer le budget de fonctionnement d’une organisation et ses employés. Dans le cadre du processus de planification des ressources humaines, les gestionnaires examinent les objectifs opérationnels afin de prévoir la demande d’employés d’une organisation et d’observer les conditions du marché pour anticiper l’offre future de talents.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 5: Training and Development

    Employee Training and Development is used by organizations to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees in its workforce.  It's an investment in the people who are a fundamental part of the business and who make an impact on the quality, costs and value of products and services being offered to customers. Sound Training and Development Programs are designed with the goal of making a "return on investment" (ROI) towards attaining the organization's goals or performance objectives.  
  • Covid-19 и пищевая промышленность

    Описание Этот курс поможет вам интегрироваться в Канаду в качестве временного иностранного работника во время всемирной вспышки Covid-19. Мы подробнее рассмотрим влияние Covid-19 на наш обычный распорядок дня на работе и дома, а также дадим вам полезные советы по обеспечению безопасности и откроем способы защитить себя и своих коллег от заболевания. Когда вы закончите этот курс, вы станете экспертом. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • Salubrité Alimentaire et Transformation des Viandes 101

    Ce cours d’introduction aborde les compétences professionnelles d’un découpeur de viande industrielle. Les sujets comprennent : la salubrité alimentaire; l’équipement de protection individuelle; les couteaux et outils de découpe des viandes; l’entretien de l’équipement, l’assainissement et la salubrité alimentaire; la santé et sécurité au travail; les lois et règlements, et les aptitudes de communication et de leadership. Les participants au cours seront également initiés aux différents types de viandes et aux coupes de viandes. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction

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