• Human Resources (HR) Toolkit

    Backed by government and industry leading LMI (Labour Market Information), the FPSC’s HR Toolkit guides you through 10 streamlined modules. Everything you need to know to work in and run a business in Canada’s largest industry is at your fingertips. Each Module is easy to follow, straightforward and comprehensive. Complete with companion resources ready to use, and easy to adapt to your unique corporate branding.  
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines

    Soutenue par l’IMT (Information sur le marché du travail) de pointe du gouvernement et de l’industrie, la boîte à outils RH du FPSC vous guide à travers 10 modules rationalisés. Tout ce que vous devez savoir pour travailler et gérer une entreprise dans la plus grande industrie du Canada est à portée de main. Chaque module est facile à suivre, simple et complet. Complet avec des ressources complémentaires prêtes à l’emploi et faciles à adapter à l’image de marque unique de votre entreprise.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 10: Employment Termination

    Involuntary termination is when an employer fires or terminates an employee due to poor performance, just cause, for economic reasons, or for any other reason for which they feel the employee’s services are no longer required. While dismissing an employee is never pleasant, it needn’t be stressful. You can conduct a termination in a professional manner and minimize the risk of legal action simply by being prepared and following best practices.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 9: Diversity and Inclusion

    Issues relating to diversity and inclusion such as recruitment and retention, employer reputation, employer branding and meeting employer legal and human rights requirements are gaining more attention from employees, managers and business owners in Canada. Diversity encompasses all of the ways in which individual people differ, while inclusion is creating a culture that embraces, respects, accepts, and values diversity. Employers have a significant influence on society and can play an important role in making our communities better places to live.  Fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace can improve the employee experience and drive the success of your company as a whole, but commitment to it starts with the leaders at your organization.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 8: Health and Safety

    Workplace health and safety (H&S) is a must for all organizations. Employers must show due diligence by taking all the precautions that are reasonable to protect the well-being of employees.  Employees must share in this responsibility by exhibiting a working knowledge of health and safety topics and by participating in efforts towards protecting themselves and anyone else around them.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 7: Retention

    Managing your business for employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees satisfied, motivated and engaged so they remain employed and fully productive with your organization. A comprehensive employee retention program includes measuring turnover, taking stock of employee satisfaction and understanding why employees leave the organization.  Daily practices that foster a healthy work environment and effective communication support these efforts and ultimately contribute towards employee retention.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 6: Managing Performance

    An effective performance management system helps the leadership team, managers and employees communicate goals, share information, foster learning and development, and explore career progression opportunities.  Organization goals and objectives are supported on a day-to-day basis with effective employee communication designed to manage workplace conflict as it arises and with well-designed Disciplinary Action Processes and Employee Reward Programs.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 5: Training and Development

    Employee Training and Development is used by organizations to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees in its workforce.  It's an investment in the people who are a fundamental part of the business and who make an impact on the quality, costs and value of products and services being offered to customers. Sound Training and Development Programs are designed with the goal of making a "return on investment" (ROI) towards attaining the organization's goals or performance objectives.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 4: Compensation and Benefits

    Maintaining equitable compensation and benefits is a key factor for employee satisfaction and for attracting, retaining and motivating employees. This module examines the process for establishing fair and effective compensation, rewards and benefits programs.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 3: Staffing

    In today’s competitive climate, the processes an organization uses to find, screen, select and onboard new employees are critical to its success. An organization's leadership team, its hiring managers, and its HR support team, need to work in a coordinated effort to maintain a positive image while working through all steps of the hiring process.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 2: Human Resources (HR) Planning

    HR planning is a process managers use to make decisions about the best ways to allocate an organization’s operations budget and its people resources. As part of the HR planning process, managers review business objectives to forecast an organization’s demand for employees and observe market conditions to anticipate the future supply of talent.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 1: Establishing HR Function

    This module includes an overview of the Human Resources Management function and how Human Resources (HR) systems, methods, processes and procedures are typically organized and implemented by owners, manager, supervisors, and contractors. Your own HR strategy, as well as your HR processes and procedures will depend on the size and format of your workforce, as well as the goals of your organization.  
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 10 : Cessation d’emploi

    Une cessation d’emploi involontaire se produit lorsqu’un employeur congédie ou licencie un employé en raison d’un mauvais rendement, d’un motif valable, pour des raisons économiques ou pour toute autre raison pour laquelle il estime que les services de l’employé ne sont plus nécessaires. Bien que le congédiement d’un employé ne soit jamais agréable, il n’est pas nécessaire qu’il soit stressant. Vous pouvez congédier un employé de manière professionnelle et minimiser le risque d’action en justice simplement en étant prêt et en suivant les meilleures pratiques.  
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 9 : Diversité et inclusion

    Les questions liées à la diversité et à l’inclusion, comme le recrutement et le maintien en poste, la réputation de l’employeur, l’image de marque de l’employeur et le respect des exigences juridiques et en matière de droits de la personne de l’employeur, attirent de plus en plus l’attention des employés, des gestionnaires et des propriétaires d’entreprises au Canada. La diversité englobe toutes les façons dont les individus diffèrent, tandis que l’inclusion crée une culture qui prône, respecte, accepte et apprécie la diversité. Les employeurs ont une grande influence sur la société et peuvent jouer un rôle important pour faire de nos collectivités de meilleurs endroits où vivre. Favoriser un milieu de travail diversifié et inclusif peut améliorer l’expérience des employés et stimuler le succès de votre entreprise dans son ensemble, mais l’engagement à cet égard commence avec les dirigeants de votre organisation.  
  • Trousse à outils pour les ressources humaines – MODULE 8 : Santé et sécurité

    La gestion de votre entreprise pour le maintien en poste des employés comprend des mesures stratégiques pour garder les employés satisfaits, motivés et engagés afin qu’ils restent employés et pleinement productifs au sein de votre organisation. Un programme complet de maintien en poste des employés comprend la mesure du roulement du personnel, le bilan de la satisfaction des employés et la compréhension des raisons pour lesquelles les employés quittent l’organisation. Les pratiques quotidiennes qui favorisent un environnement de travail sain et une communication efficace soutiennent ces efforts et contribuent en fin de compte au maintien en poste des employés.  

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