• HACCP Fundamentals

    This course provides an understanding of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) and the importance of having a food safety program. This introductory program outlines how every person working at that facility can have either a positive or a negative impact on food safety. Participants should be able to explain the benefits of a HACCP system, understand hazards and how they can be controlled, and the importance of GMP and Prerequisite Programs.  
  • Effective Planning and Scheduling

    As project managers and leads, we all know how difficult it can be to accurately determine the duration of a project, yet that is exactly what is expected of us on a regular basis. This course will not disclose the secret of creating an accurate schedule, because there isn’t one. However, it will provide the factors and fundamental elements that you should consider and address when creating any type of schedule.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Diversity Training – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. We all know what happens to organizations that don’t have effective teamwork: they fail. And, failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations. This course will give you ways to celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together.
  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

    Emotional Intelligence skills, also known as skills for success, contribute to 80% of your career and personal success. An employee with high Emotional Intelligence is aware of their emotions and can manage feelings, impulses and communicate effectively with others. They solve problems and build rapport in tense situations. These employees also have empathy, work well with others to build productive relationships in the workplace, remain optimistic in the face of adversity, bounce up quickly from setbacks and strive to perform. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Customer Service Training – Critical Elements of Customer Service

    The need to lead, model, and promote the organizational values within a customer service environment is essential for business success. This course will provide you with opportunities to explore your responsibilities within your role as a leader (supervisor or manager) in a customer service environment.   Member price:  $132.00
  • Crisis Management

    Viable organizations need to be ready for emergencies because they are a fact of doing business. The worst plan is not to have any kind of plan at all, and the best plans are tested and adjusted so that they work over time. Fortunately, you do not need separate plans for fire, weather disasters, and all the different kinds of crises that can occur. One solid plan will help you to prevent, respond, and recover from all crises. This course will help you ensure your organization is ready to manage any kind of crisis.   Member price:  $184.00
  • The Evolution of Cannabis in Canada

    This course will serve as a comprehensive history of cannabis in Canada. How did we get to a place where today we are one of the first industrialized countries in the world to legalize the recreational use of cannabis? Where do we go from here? Join us and learn about the past, present and future of cannabis in Canada. With cannabis now being legalized, this one-of-a-kind course offers you the opportunity to gain new and relevant knowledge about this emerging industry. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Initiation aux Plans de Contrôle Préventif

    Ce cours vous sensibilisera davantage au projet de Règlement sur la salubrité des aliments au Canada, à ses répercussions sur vos activités et aux plans de contrôle préventif (PCP), si bien que les connaîtrez mieux. Les divers exercices et évaluations vous aideront à déterminer les renseignements que contient un PCP et à déterminer l’information qui vous manque. Nous utilisons une foule de ressources de sources diverses pour vous aider à comprendre ce qu’est un PCP. Il s’agit là d’une excellente occasion pour vous d’être proactif et d’élaborer votre propre PCP. * Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de réduction
  • Entrepreneurship 101

    Wouldn’t it be nice to be your own boss, work on your own schedule, and make money doing something that you’re passionate about? Millions of people around the world are living that dream and running their own business. This course will teach you the basics of entrepreneurship. You’ll consider if entrepreneurship is right for you and learn the basic steps of creating your own business. At the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation to start your entrepreneurial journey.   Member price:  $240.00
  • Growing Your Gender-Friendly Vocabulary

    This is the third course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. Feeling comfortable in navigating this transitioning communication landscape and cultural shift is job critical for any supervisor or manager hoping to ensure that all employees are well-supported and respected in their workplace roles. This course will explore key gender definitions, language approaches, and thoughtful practices in the new gender landscape, in a way that is accessible to all. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Communication Strategies

    Creating positive relationships takes work, but like any skill, we can learn how to build these relationships by considering useful techniques and then making a decision to apply them. While we often think of communication as a coding and decoding process, we can also consider how communication is also a process of constructing meaning out of messages. This course is designed to create and maintain healthy, effective communication between co-workers, as well as within your personal relationships.
  • Training with Visual Storytelling

    We live in an era of artificial intelligence, robotics and unprecedented advancements in both the creation, delivery and absorption of learning materials. As the tools and techniques evolve so must we, just as the needs and desires of learners are constantly changing. This course is for trainers who are ready to make their training stronger, more memorable, and more engaging for learners by using visual storytelling and graphical techniques to create better learning experiences that lead to better retention. Member Price: $104.00
  • Building your Self Esteem and Assertiveness Skills

    A healthy self-esteem is essential for growth and achieving success. Of all the judgments you make in life, none is as important as the one you make about yourself. Without some measure of self-worth, life can be painful and unrelenting. In this course, you will discover some techniques that can dramatically change how you feel about yourself, and how you approach the world to get the things that you want.
  • Applying HACCP

    This course focuses on how to develop, apply and maintain Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) in a facility. The goal of this course is to help prevent food safety issues before they happen, rather than afterwards. This training will provide knowledge and strategies which clients can use to successfully develop and implement a HACCP System in the food processing industry. Part 2 of a 13-hour HACCP Pairing. See Part 1: HACCP Essentials *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) Master Class

    This course covers the main steps of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) development, ensuring its effectiveness, basic SOP review and maintenance requirements. Learning material includes definition and examples of effective SOPs in food production environments, communication and team responsibilities, testing a prototype system and requirements for updating your facility’s SOP.

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