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The Evolution of Cannabis in Canada


This course will serve as a comprehensive history of cannabis in Canada. How did we get to a place where today we are one of the first industrialized countries in the world to legalize the recreational use of cannabis? Where do we go from here? Join us and learn about the past, present and future of cannabis in Canada.

With cannabis now being legalized, this one-of-a-kind course offers you the opportunity to gain new and relevant knowledge about this emerging industry.

*Become a member to receive 20% off 


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This course will serve as a comprehensive history of cannabis in Canada. How did we get to a place where today we are one of the first industrialized countries in the world to legalize the recreational use of cannabis? Where do we go from here? Join us and learn about the past, present and future of cannabis in Canada.

With cannabis now being legalized, this one-of-a-kind course offers you the opportunity to gain new and relevant knowledge about this emerging industry.

Learning Objectives

      • How cannabis policy evolved in Canada
      • Why it is considered both a medical and a recreational product
      • How the Canadian approach to the plant is different than other countries
      • Why and how the courts developed the regime that regulates its production and use
      • The environment which created a unique Canadian cannabis industry
      • The laws and regulations that govern cannabis cultivation, production and sale in Canada
      • The size and scope of the cannabis industry
      • Canadian views regarding cannabis
      • How we arrived at legalization
      • The challenges and opportunities facing both policy makers and the industry

Course Outline & Major Topics

      • Module 1: In The Beginning
        • Context
        • History
        • The law
      • Module 2: Cannabis for Medical Purposes
        • Revised Regulations – Again
        • Pioneering Licenced Producer Companies
        • Size of the Market, and Future Potential
      • Module 3: A New Industry Emerges
        • Revised Regulations – Again
        • Pioneering Licenced Producer Companies
        • Size of the Market, and Future Potential
        • Test your Knowledge!
      • Module 4: Cannabis for Recreational Purposes
        • How we Got Here: it Began with a Promise
        • Making Cannabis Legal
        • How Big is this Going to be?
        • The Cannabis Act, Bill C-45
        • New Regulations.
        • What Does the Public Think About all This?
        • So, How is the Going to Work?
        • Taxes

*Receive a nationally recognized certificate for participation in this course

Who Should Take This Course?

    • Business Owners
    • Management & Supervisors
    • Human Resource Professionals
    • Entrepreneurs
    • Educators
    • Auditors

*Become a member to receive 20% off