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  • Technologies numériques

    Bienvenue au cours Technologies numériques. Ce cours vous fournira les informations et les connaissances nécessaires pour accomplir des tâches professionnelles dans un environnement numérique. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Communicate, Engage, Retain!

    The building blocks for employee communications in the workplace are featured in this industry report. ​ It includes two business cases to help and supportive tips for:  Communication with employees, Engaging them, and, Ultimately, retaining them. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Monitoring Budget Performance

    This course provides the food and beverage processing industry supervisor with the knowledge and skills to monitor budget performance within a department or unit, and to communicate with the manager or financial consultants on budget performance. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Interpersonal Relationships

    Interpersonal skills are one of the building blocks of emotional intelligence and are highly in demand by employers. While your expertise and technical ability are essential components of your success, your social skills might actually be your most precious social skill set of all.  
  • Building Team Resilience

    The purpose of this Building Team Resilience course is to provide team leaders with leadership and workplace practices that build the resilience of members of their work teams in order to positively contribute to workplace productivity and engagement, create a work environment where employees feel connected, supported, and safe, and reduce employee stress levels. Participants will also learn tips for becoming a more resilient leader. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Numeracy

    The purpose of this Numeracy course is to help frontline production workers gain the skills required to make sense of and apply basic mathematical concepts and information common to job responsibilities and tasks. By completing this course, participants will gain the basic knowledge of numeracy to solve basic mathematical equations, complete mathematical calculations in the correct order, understand and calculate fractions and percentages for workplace situations, calculate and convert common units of measurement, track production data, and calculate averages. The information learned will help participants solve mathematical problems in different workplace situations. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Salubrité Alimentaire et Transformation des Viandes 101

    Ce cours d’introduction aborde les compétences professionnelles d’un découpeur de viande industrielle. Les sujets comprennent : la salubrité alimentaire; l’équipement de protection individuelle; les couteaux et outils de découpe des viandes; l’entretien de l’équipement, l’assainissement et la salubrité alimentaire; la santé et sécurité au travail; les lois et règlements, et les aptitudes de communication et de leadership. Les participants au cours seront également initiés aux différents types de viandes et aux coupes de viandes. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Canadian Workplace Cultures

    Canada is a vast country with many different cultures. Understanding what makes Canada such a diverse country is a critical skill in being a team member in a Canadian workplace. There are various aspects of a Canadian workplace that may not be the same as a workplace in other countries. We will take a close look at topics such as basic Canadian facts, appropriate workplace etiquette including body language, communication skills and common courtesies, as well as the importance of demonstrating adaptability, work ethic, and work initiative. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • How to Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent

    This course will introduce participants to candidate-centric recruiting, including tips and techniques that drive positive candidate experience, strengthen recruitment, maintain engagement and improve retention of new employees. *Become a member to receive 20% off