• Conflict Resolution – Getting Along In The Workplace

    Many people see conflict as a negative experience. In fact, conflict is a necessary part of our personal growth and development. Think of when you were trying to choose your major in college, for example, or trying to decide between two jobs. However, conflict becomes an issue when the people involved cannot work through it. They become engaged in a battle that does not result in growth. When this type of conflict arises, negative energy can result, causing hurt feelings and damaged relationships. This course will give you the tools that will help you resolve conflict successfully and produce a win-win outcome.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Business Etiquette – Gaining That Extra Edge

    If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun

    Most people have been at a party or some other social occasion where someone has told an inappropriate joke and ruined the mood (at least temporarily). Likewise, we’ve all been somewhere where the class clown is able to lighten the mood and help people have fun. The good news is that humor can help you make your training sessions just as engaging as those fun social occasions. Even better, you don’t need to be the class clown or an award-winning comedian to do it. This course will help you identify what kind of humor you can bring to the classroom, and how games can help you engage your participants.
  • Effective Planning and Scheduling

    As project managers and leads, we all know how difficult it can be to accurately determine the duration of a project, yet that is exactly what is expected of us on a regular basis. This course will not disclose the secret of creating an accurate schedule, because there isn’t one. However, it will provide the factors and fundamental elements that you should consider and address when creating any type of schedule.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    Creative thinking and innovation are vital components in both our personal and professional lives. However, many people feel as though they are lacking in creativity. What most of us do not recognize is that we are creative on a daily basis, whether it’s picking out what clothes to wear in the morning or stretching a tight budget at work. While these tasks may not normally be associated with creativity, there is a great deal of creativity involved to get those jobs done. While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process. That’s what this course is all about.    
  • Measuring Training Results

    There are lots of good reasons to offer training, and even more reasons to participate and take training. But there is also an accountability element, where we ask ourselves: -              What was the value of that training? -              Did we meet the objectives that were set out? -              Did the training bring about some kind of lasting change in behavior? In this course, we’ll explore the essential elements in evaluating training and measuring results, while creating a process that is simple for trainers and human resource practitioners to implement.
  • Transferable Skills

    This course is about the skills we use in our daily lives, the skills we take with us in new situations, and the skills we use on the job. We will explore their relationships with each other and how we can apply these skills to finding careers in Food Processing.
  • Empathy at Work

    One of the most important reasons to become more empathetic is that empathy, as an emotional intelligence skill, is the key to unlock better and healthier relationships with others. Historically, our survival has depended on empathy because we are social beings who need others to grow and thrive. Employees with high levels of empathy can understand a situation from another person’s perspective and react with care and compassion. This means that employees are able to build true, empathetic connections with one another, which enhances relationships, collaboration, inclusion and diversity in the workplace. When empathy is valued and practiced in the workplace, it benefits everyone. Employees improve their well-being, confidence, and job satisfaction, which makes them happier. Happy employees go above and beyond to serve customers, which translates into higher performing business and prosperity for their communities. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Interpersonal Relationships

    Interpersonal skills are one of the building blocks of emotional intelligence and are highly in demand by employers. While your expertise and technical ability are essential components of your success, your social skills might actually be your most precious social skill set of all. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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