• Leadership Skills for Supervisors: Communication, Coaching, & Conflict

    Communication, Coaching and Conflict are just a few of the topics covered in this one-day course.  Leadership Skills for Supervisors gives participants an understanding of the different mindsets we all have, how they communicate and best apply their talents and aptitudes to their work. No matter where you are on the spectrum, this course highlights the skills you have that make you great leadership material and also covers the tips and tricks that define successful leaders in every industry. Whether a seasoned manager or gearing up for a new supervisory position, this course is an excellent resource to better manage oneself and others in a team environment. Don’t hesitate to add this inspirational training material to your online learning portfolio today! Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers. – Robin S. Sharma, Author of The Monk who Sold his Ferrari
  • Initiation aux Plans de Contrôle Préventif

    Ce cours vous sensibilisera davantage au projet de Règlement sur la salubrité des aliments au Canada, à ses répercussions sur vos activités et aux plans de contrôle préventif (PCP), si bien que les connaîtrez mieux. Les divers exercices et évaluations vous aideront à déterminer les renseignements que contient un PCP et à déterminer l’information qui vous manque. Nous utilisons une foule de ressources de sources diverses pour vous aider à comprendre ce qu’est un PCP. Il s’agit là d’une excellente occasion pour vous d’être proactif et d’élaborer votre propre PCP. * Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de réduction
  • Introduction to Cheesemaking

    This course allows the participant to become familiar with the basics of dairy chemistry and with the microbiology necessary to understand the vocabulary that supports the cheese industry. Furthermore, at the end of this training, the participant will know the main principles of cheese making including notions of quality and will be introduced to the concept of technological levers required to make adjustments during production. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Overview of Food Safety Management Systems and Certification Schemes

    This course discusses the importance of following food safety procedures and practices when working in Canadian food companies, as these are part of food safety culture. It outlines the role of governments and food companies in protecting the food supply and identifies how consumers can be negatively affected by improper practices. It covers the important role food workers have in following procedures and telling supervisors and coworkers of food safety problems. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Entrepreneurship 101

    Wouldn’t it be nice to be your own boss, work on your own schedule, and make money doing something that you’re passionate about? Millions of people around the world are living that dream and running their own business. This course will teach you the basics of entrepreneurship. You’ll consider if entrepreneurship is right for you and learn the basic steps of creating your own business. At the end of the course, you’ll have a solid foundation to start your entrepreneurial journey.   Member price:  $240.00
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    Bullying is called the silent epidemic. Although half of workers have experienced or witnessed bullying, policies and laws dealing with it are far less prevalent. This is, in part, because bullying can be hard to identify and address. People wonder, what does bullying look like? How can we discourage it in our workplace? What can I do to protect my staff and co-workers? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this course.
  • Food Processing Safety & You!

    This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene.  It is designed to be informative and interactive so participants can learn about good industrial practices and how to prevent product contamination. This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Training with Visual Storytelling

    We live in an era of artificial intelligence, robotics and unprecedented advancements in both the creation, delivery and absorption of learning materials. As the tools and techniques evolve so must we, just as the needs and desires of learners are constantly changing. This course is for trainers who are ready to make their training stronger, more memorable, and more engaging for learners by using visual storytelling and graphical techniques to create better learning experiences that lead to better retention. Member Price: $104.00
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    This course takes an in-depth look at an important topic that is sometimes overlooked – creating a positive environment in the workplace. It is the responsibility of everyone at work to make it the best atmosphere they can, from the executive in the corner office to the newest employee in the mailroom. You will be introduced to this topic here and will be guided through the steps and skills to make your place of work a positive, encouraging place to be. As an employee, or a leader within a company, you have a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Everyone has a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Even if this is not a company-wide reality you can seek to provide this type of environment for your department/division or those within your sphere of influence. This course will give you tools to be able to create the type of company environment that you crave through building and nurturing effective workplace relationships.

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