TEMPLATE: Mentoring Program Development Checklist
$3.00Mentoring programs are an effective way to encourage growth, skill development and prepare for succession planning by encouraging employees take on leading roles among their colleagues and peers. This two-page package includes both a checklist of questions geared to prepare employees and mentors for the process as well as a sheet to track the action plan. Learning objectives are easily identified, as well as timeframes, methods of evaluation and mentor comments allowing your human resources team to easily determine effectiveness of mentoring candidates. Checklist Includes: Familiarize staff with informal training by using one-on-one coaching or on-the-job help sessions. Identify individuals that might benefit from a mentoring program. Introduce and explain the mentoring program by meeting with your employees in a workshop, seminar, or discussion-group setting. Meeting management suggestions. Collect information on potential candidates and determine appropriate matches based on similarities in employee interests and needs. Discuss how each person will benefit from the process. Set a time and place for the next meeting. Create an action plan. Allow the mentor and protégé to steer the process as it moves forward. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Action Plan Form
$3.00Action plans do not need to be lengthy or difficult to track. This one-page form includes room for coaches and mentors to fill in up to five training objectives as well as identify the steps taken to accomplish these goals. For use in training and mentoring of employees and coaches in the workplace. Action Plan Includes: Performance Objectives Plan to Achieve Objectives Support Required Responsible Persons Timeline Monitoring Methods & Frequency *From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Reward Ideas
$3.00Whether acknowledging an individual’s achievements or applauding team members on a collaborative effort, be sincere. An honest thank-you can communicate as much gratitude as a t-shirt bearing the company logo. This two-page resource includes a variety of reward options that range in professionalism. Suitable for all levels of work from entry level to senior management. Reward Ideas Include: Individual & Team Rewards Money Time Senses Prestige Public Recognition Fun – I.E. Sports Tickets *From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Building a Retention Program
$3.00Evaluate the effectiveness and value of various incentives, benefits, training, and other factors you can bring to an employee’s experience working with you. This five-page package breaks each down by cost, time, and business size. Package Includes: Commitment Strategies Involving Employees in Decision-Making Advance Employees using Fair and Objective Assessments Communicate Clearly Recognition Strategies Increasing job knowledge and skills Improving the Work Environment Offering New Challenges Increasing Self Confidence Compensation Strategies Profit Sharing Stock Purchase Plans Competitive Compensation Work-life Balance Strategies Flexible Schedules Telecommuting Coaching, Mentoring Pension Plan Professional Counseling *From Module 7 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Accident Investigation Report
$3.00This four-page resource contains all the paperwork required to fill when anyone is injured in your workplace. Use this template to quickly and effectively track the details of the accident to satisfy safety laws provincially and federally as well as ensure necessary prevention steps are noted and carried out in a timely and effective manner. Checklist Includes: Victim/Injured Person Information Name Supervisor Regular Function Function at Time of Accident Shift Time Accident Information Date Location First Aid Other Description of Injury Sustained Nature of Injury Location of Injury Contact Type Causal Agent(s) Witnesses Eyewitnesses Relevant Authority Investigated Facts People Involved Task at Hand Moment of Accident Environment Material/Equipment Organization Investigation Summary Description of events surrounding the incident Analysis Causes Safety Recommendations *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Decision to Terminate Checklist
$3.00Terminating an employee and by extension another’s livelihood and career requires careful consideration, checks and adherence to company policies as well as governing laws. This two-page resource allows all employ Policies Include: Termination Checklist Records of Attendance Performance and Disciplinary Action Reviewed All incidents accurately considered and documented Written Evidence exists that parties are aware of job needs and policies Other forms of Disciplinary Action have been considered Decision to Terminate is based on objective Standards This Termination of Employment is consistent with Previous Terminations All Relevant Parties have been Consulted I can justify the termination if the employee takes legal action Common Employee Questions *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Sample Termination Letter
$3.00Terminating and replacing employees can be costly and time consuming. Use our termination letter templates to streamline your termination process and stay prepared for any circumstance encountered in the running of your business. Termination Letters Include: Termination for Just Cause Letter Template Suggested tone and diction Termination for Other Reasons Letter Template Suggested tone and diction *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Exit Checklist
$3.00Use our termination checklist to verify all necessary steps have been taken to ensure a smooth transition from the company. This is a ready to use on-page tool to sign off on all mandatory termination steps i.e. security and employee badges returned, pager, computer, company cell phone... The template is designed to be signed off by the employee, Human Resources and Payroll. Termination Checklist Includes: Employee Information Termination Information Items for Collection Contracts to Terminate Signatures *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Employee Exit Survey
$3.00Termination can be a learning experience for both parties. This checklist allows employers to gather information about why this employee is leaving (if by choice) i.e. more competitive benefits or compensation packages, working conditions or employee rights. This template includes 70 example questions designed to gather the most valuable information for your business needs. Exit Survey Includes: Employee Information Departure Reasons (16) Management (16) Work Environment (18) Training & Career Development (20) *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.