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  • TEMPLATE: Accident Investigation Report

    This four-page resource contains all the paperwork required to fill when anyone is injured in your workplace. Use this template to quickly and effectively track the details of the accident to satisfy safety laws provincially and federally as well as ensure necessary prevention steps are noted and carried out in a timely and effective manner. Checklist Includes: Victim/Injured Person Information Name Supervisor Regular Function Function at Time of Accident Shift Time Accident Information Date Location First Aid Other Description of Injury Sustained Nature of Injury Location of Injury Contact Type Causal Agent(s) Witnesses Eyewitnesses Relevant Authority Investigated Facts People Involved Task at Hand Moment of Accident Environment Material/Equipment Organization Investigation Summary Description of events surrounding the incident Analysis Causes Safety Recommendations *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires

    Sample Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires Being in good health and maintaining optimum health is of extreme importance when working in high risk food processing conditions. This one-page resource has a ready to use template employees would require signed by a doctor to clear them for duties in a high-risk environment. Also included is a visitor health questionnaire required to clear visitors to enter high-risk environments. Questionnaires Include: Employee Health Questionnaire General Information Symptom Multiple Choice Employee Signature Physician Signature Visitor Health Questionnaire Name Organization Date Symptom Multiple Choice Signatures Required Actions *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: WHIMS Test and Answer Key

    Canada’s Workplace Hazardous Material Information System (WHIMS) is an essential component of every workplace where hazardous materials may be encountered. In 2015 this system was updated to align with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling Chemicals (GHS) This seven-page resource includes all the newest pictograms along with their updated definitions. Included are the two styles of label and four symbols required on containers following this updated system. Once the learning material has been absorbed employees can be tested with the attached WHIMS Test and scored for their knowledge of handling hazardous materials as regulated by Federal and International law. WHIMS Package Includes: WHIMS Reference Guide The 10 WHIMS Pictograms The 4 WHIMS Container Labels Consumer Product Definitions Label Use Laws & Legislation Safety Data Sheets (SDS) WHIMS Test Match symbols to the Description Multiple Choice True or False WHIMS Test Answer Key Assessment Results & Signatures *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Food Spoilage and Food Safety

    This course describes the components of food safety, how food spoilage occurs, and how to prevent it. The course is designed to help new food workers understand their role and responsibilities in prevention and management of food spoilage and food safety. This knowledge is key to a successful career in the food industry. Knowing what causes food spoilage, when food is bad, how to prevent economic loss due to food spoilage and learning about employee’s role in keeping food safe is the most important skill to have when working with food. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Distribution & Warehouse Food Safety

    Canada has one of the best food safety systems in the world. That’s because businesses have a good record in food safety and the government has a good reputation for keeping the food supply safe. Employees involved in shipping, receiving and warehousing of foods are part of the reason for this. This course will help you understand your role in Good Warehouse Practices and the food safety practices that apply in food processing companies, distribution centres and logistics firms. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Processing Safety & You!

    This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene.  It is designed to be informative and interactive so participants can learn about good industrial practices and how to prevent product contamination. This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Safety Culture and You

    This course discusses the importance of following food safety procedures and practices when working in Canadian food companies, as these are part of food safety culture. It outlines the role of governments and food companies in protecting the food supply and identifies how consumers can be negatively affected by improper practices. It covers the important role food workers have in following procedures and telling supervisors and coworkers of food safety problems. Participants will learn the important role of food workers have in supporting their workplace food safety culture. By following food safety practices, food workers help their employer to protect the consumer, meet government regulations and address business needs. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Safety Culture for Supervisors and Managers

    This course discusses food safety culture in the workplace and the critical role effective communication, leadership and commitment have on protecting the food supply.  Key concepts include identifying the elements of food safety culture, ways and tools to measure food safety. The importance of supervisor and manager active participation and commitment to food safety in creating a workplace environment that encourages desired food safety behavior. Participants will be able to demonstrate their ability to apply, analyze and evaluate facts, principles and concepts as well as show knowledge and comprehension of the material.
  • National Sanitation Training Program

    This course provides food processing industry sanitation workers – more specifically, those who perform or will be performing sanitation , with an essential general background knowledge related to the principles of cleaning and sanitation as well as common food industry practices. It also provides detailed instruction on the facility-specific cleaning and sanitizing procedures. *Become a member to receive 20% off