• Lock Out Tag Out

    This program is designed to introduce to the topic of Lock Out - Tag Out (LOTO), so you can better comprehend the occupational health and safety instructions given to you on the job as they relate to LOTO and its broader safety topic of energy isolation.
  • Food Spoilage and Food Safety

    This course describes the components of food safety, how food spoilage occurs, and how to prevent it. The course is designed to help new food workers understand their role and responsibilities in prevention and management of food spoilage and food safety. This knowledge is key to a successful career in the food industry. Knowing what causes food spoilage, when food is bad, how to prevent economic loss due to food spoilage and learning about employee’s role in keeping food safe is the most important skill to have when working with food. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Diversity Training – Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

    More than ever, a workplace is a diverse collection of individuals proud of who they are: their gender, their sexual orientation, their religion, their ethnic background, and all the other components that make an individual unique. One of the challenges for workplace leaders is how to help these diverse individuals work as a team. We all know what happens to organizations that don’t have effective teamwork: they fail. And, failing to embrace diversity can also have serious legal costs for corporations. This course will give you ways to celebrate diversity in the workplace while bringing individuals together.
  • Customer Service Training – Critical Elements of Customer Service

    The need to lead, model, and promote the organizational values within a customer service environment is essential for business success. This course will provide you with opportunities to explore your responsibilities within your role as a leader (supervisor or manager) in a customer service environment.   Member price:  $132.00
  • Allergens

    This course covers the priority list of allergens in Canada as well as sulphites and gluten sources. You will be able to identify the sources and describe the best practices and regulations to prevent allergens related food safety incidents. Learning will be made easy with our engaging activities, quizzes, and games. Your knowledge will be tested in the final exam, in which you will receive an official certificate. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Technologies numériques

    Bienvenue au cours Technologies numériques. Ce cours vous fournira les informations et les connaissances nécessaires pour accomplir des tâches professionnelles dans un environnement numérique. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Employer and Employee Expectations

    This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand what is expected of you as an employee within a Canadian Workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada. Workplace expectations differ in every country. Canadian workplace culture expects individuals to be competent in speaking, listening and socializing with other people; to know the etiquette of working harmoniously with co-workers and supervisors; and to understand and respect cultural differences in the workplace. Employees are also expected to know general business etiquette, how to dress for the production floor and the office environment, and their rights and obligations in the Canadian workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada.
  • Food Safety Culture and You

    This course discusses the importance of following food safety procedures and practices when working in Canadian food companies, as these are part of food safety culture. It outlines the role of governments and food companies in protecting the food supply and identifies how consumers can be negatively affected by improper practices. It covers the important role food workers have in following procedures and telling supervisors and coworkers of food safety problems. Participants will learn the important role of food workers have in supporting their workplace food safety culture. By following food safety practices, food workers help their employer to protect the consumer, meet government regulations and address business needs. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)

    This course will discuss how food workers need to act, dress and be aware of food safety hazards and how they can prevent them.  This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand how GMPs support safe food manufacturing and your role in supporting GMPs.  You will be able to identify food safety hazards and understand how food workers behavior and can have either a positive or a negative impact on food safety. This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand how GMPs support the safe manufacturing of food and how to implement GMPs. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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