• Creative Thinking and Innovation

    Creative thinking and innovation are vital components in both our personal and professional lives. However, many people feel as though they are lacking in creativity. What most of us do not recognize is that we are creative on a daily basis, whether it’s picking out what clothes to wear in the morning or stretching a tight budget at work. While these tasks may not normally be associated with creativity, there is a great deal of creativity involved to get those jobs done. While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process. That’s what this course is all about.    
  • Bullying in the Workplace

    Bullying is called the silent epidemic. Although half of workers have experienced or witnessed bullying, policies and laws dealing with it are far less prevalent. This is, in part, because bullying can be hard to identify and address. People wonder, what does bullying look like? How can we discourage it in our workplace? What can I do to protect my staff and co-workers? All of these questions (and more!) will be answered in this course.
  • Creating a Positive Work Environment

    This course takes an in-depth look at an important topic that is sometimes overlooked – creating a positive environment in the workplace. It is the responsibility of everyone at work to make it the best atmosphere they can, from the executive in the corner office to the newest employee in the mailroom. You will be introduced to this topic here and will be guided through the steps and skills to make your place of work a positive, encouraging place to be. As an employee, or a leader within a company, you have a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Everyone has a responsibility to create and maintain a positive work environment. Even if this is not a company-wide reality you can seek to provide this type of environment for your department/division or those within your sphere of influence. This course will give you tools to be able to create the type of company environment that you crave through building and nurturing effective workplace relationships.
  • Conflict Resolution – Getting Along In The Workplace

    Many people see conflict as a negative experience. In fact, conflict is a necessary part of our personal growth and development. Think of when you were trying to choose your major in college, for example, or trying to decide between two jobs. However, conflict becomes an issue when the people involved cannot work through it. They become engaged in a battle that does not result in growth. When this type of conflict arises, negative energy can result, causing hurt feelings and damaged relationships. This course will give you the tools that will help you resolve conflict successfully and produce a win-win outcome.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Food Safety and Meat Processing 101

    Food Safety & Meat Processing 101 is an interactive, online course that focuses on Industry Legislation & Regulation, Workplace Policies & Procedures, Food Processing Equipment, Workplace Health & Safety, Meat Types and Cuts 101, Knife Sharpening, Food Safety, Cleaning and sanitation including waste, Product Quality, Food Traceability and Communication & Leadership Skills. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • COVID-19 & Food Processing

    This course will help you integrate into Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker during the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19. We have prepared 6 modules of information that will help you be prepared to integrate into Canada comfortably as a temporary foreign worker during Covid-19. We will review the effects Covid-19 has had on immigration across Canada and how it may also affect you as a temporary foreign worker. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Creating a Workplace Wellness Program

    Whether you are creating a workplace wellness program from scratch, or enhancing what you already have, you’re already on the right track! With increasing costs of health care, a shrinking workforce, and aging workers, a savvy workplace understands the value in supporting workers to improve their conditioning and to live a fitter lifestyle. This course includes all aspects of designing or upgrading a program, from concept through implementation, to review.   Member price:  $168.00
  • Introduction to Allergens

    This course highlights the importance and impact of allergens on consumer safety as well as why allergen awareness and management is a key food industry concern.  Learn the causes and effects related to food allergens, the complexities associated with managing and prevention of unwanted food allergens, and the associated Canadian regulatory requirements. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Race & Culture in the DEI Workplace

    This is the second course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. Whether you are working to lead a multicultural and/or multilingual workforce or exploring your own attitudes and unconscious biases around racial diversity and inclusion as a manager or supervisor, this course will assist you in learning more about yourself and the possible racial and cultural perspectives within your organization. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Distribution & Warehouse Food Safety

    Canada has one of the best food safety systems in the world. That’s because businesses have a good record in food safety and the government has a good reputation for keeping the food supply safe. Employees involved in shipping, receiving and warehousing of foods are part of the reason for this. This course will help you understand your role in Good Warehouse Practices and the food safety practices that apply in food processing companies, distribution centres and logistics firms. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun

    Most people have been at a party or some other social occasion where someone has told an inappropriate joke and ruined the mood (at least temporarily). Likewise, we’ve all been somewhere where the class clown is able to lighten the mood and help people have fun. The good news is that humor can help you make your training sessions just as engaging as those fun social occasions. Even better, you don’t need to be the class clown or an award-winning comedian to do it. This course will help you identify what kind of humor you can bring to the classroom, and how games can help you engage your participants.
  • Salubrité Alimentaire et Transformation des Viandes 101

    Ce cours d’introduction aborde les compétences professionnelles d’un découpeur de viande industrielle. Les sujets comprennent : la salubrité alimentaire; l’équipement de protection individuelle; les couteaux et outils de découpe des viandes; l’entretien de l’équipement, l’assainissement et la salubrité alimentaire; la santé et sécurité au travail; les lois et règlements, et les aptitudes de communication et de leadership. Les participants au cours seront également initiés aux différents types de viandes et aux coupes de viandes. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Multicultural and Multilingual Leadership

    This is the fourth course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. Managers working with multilingual and multicultural teams face unique challenges but are also presented with exciting opportunities to elevate diverse knowledgebases and cultural identities to produce high-functioning teams. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Delegation – The Art of Delegating Effectively

    Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization. Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This course will explore many of the facets of delegation, including when to delegate and whom to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step and learn about techniques to overcome problems. Member price:  $124.00
  • Workplace Essentials: Document Use

    This course addresses document use, one of the skills which extensive government and industry research has identified as essential to success in work, learning and life. These skills provide the foundation for learning other skills and are the cornerstone of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning and workplace skills training are closely linked to productivity, adaptability and innovation, all vital elements of today’s competitive and rapidly changing global business environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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