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  • TEMPLATE: Employee Information Sheet

    Looking for a simple solution to collecting personal information before hiring a new employee? This template is a resource that will expedite this process. Easily adapted to suit your business brand, the FPHRC’s Employee Information Sheet covers all Employee, Emergency Contact Banking and other information you need from new hires as well as all mandatory signatures and legal clauses. Sections include: Employee Information (Address, Citizenship and other essentials) Emergency Contact Information Banking Information Position and Compensation Information Payroll Keying Information Benefits *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Human Resources Meeting Checklists

    Do you find some meetings long an inconclusive? Draw from the FPHRC’s high standards for respect, professionalism and best practice in your meetings today. This template may be the resource you need to ensure efficiency and productivity from all one on one or group interactions with clients, colleagues, potential hires and more. Checklists Include: Meeting Preparation Techniques Establishing a comfortable environment Building Trust Approaches to Communication Effective Closes *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee Sign-On Session & Orientation

    Missing any steps when on-boarding a new employee can cost your company unnecessary time and money. This checklist makes it easy to verify all appropriate checks have been made. This four page package includes checklists for both sign-on and employee orientation ensuring new employees are given everything they need to adjust to and feel comfortable in their new roles. Template Includes: Sign On Checklist Examples: Fully signed and completed Application Forms Employee Number and ID Card Completed signed TD1 form Employee Dependents Enrolment Forms for Employee Benefit Programs Signed and Dated Safety Policy Signed and Dated Confidentiality Agreement Reviewed Pay and Benefits Outline Introduced to Supervisor   Orientation Activities Example: Welcome Workplace Introduction Job Responsibilities Explained Work Conditions Work Equipment Policies and Procedures Evaluation and Development *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Performance Evaluation Form

    This eight-page resource covers the creation and use of performance management evaluations, including how often they are completed, monitoring, feedback and evaluation processes. Supervisor and employee meet informally during the performance cycle to review the employee’s progress. Formal reviews may also be conducted, particularly if either the supervisor or employee changes jobs or a key milestone is reached. Completed Performance Management Forms are expected to be added to the employee’s Human Resource file. Performance Evaluation Includes: Performance Evaluation Forms Confidentiality Creation & Implementation Evaluation Stages Performance Planning & Review Objectives Key Indicators Target Completion Dates Results Learning & Development Skills To Develop Action Plan Completion Dates Results Competency Review Knowledge of Job Productivity Quality of Work Reliability Communication Analytical Ability Initiative *From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee Survey Checklist & Question Bank

    Surveys are an efficient, effective method for gathering various information about your workplace, processes and methodologies. Designing a survey to bring maximum value to your business requires careful planning. The Employee Survey Checklist takes the guesswork out of planning an effective survey. It breaks down the preparation, distribution and analysis of employee surveys so you can concentrate on preparing the most effective next steps. As you develop a customized employee survey for your organization, be sure to use questions that are relevant to the organization and its area of business. The included bank of questions gives you a starting point. You can modify these questions or add new ones, as required to suit your business needs. Package Includes: Employee Survey Checklist Identifying Objectives & Methodology Developing Survey Content Communicating with Employees Administering Survey Analyzing Survey Responses Interpreting the Results Offering Feedback Action Plan Steps Next Steps & Follow Through Employee Survey Question Bank Job Specific Motivation Diversity & Inclusive Culture Recognition Teamwork Compensation & Benefits Career, Training & Development Client Interaction Concerning the Organization Supervisor/Management Relationships Staffing Likely Reasons to Consider Leaving *From Module 7 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires

    Sample Employee & Visitor Health Questionnaires Being in good health and maintaining optimum health is of extreme importance when working in high risk food processing conditions. This one-page resource has a ready to use template employees would require signed by a doctor to clear them for duties in a high-risk environment. Also included is a visitor health questionnaire required to clear visitors to enter high-risk environments. Questionnaires Include: Employee Health Questionnaire General Information Symptom Multiple Choice Employee Signature Physician Signature Visitor Health Questionnaire Name Organization Date Symptom Multiple Choice Signatures Required Actions *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Accommodation and Anti-Harassment Policies

    Diversity and Workplace Violence are extremely important policies to enforce and distribute to your employees. They address the rights and responsibilities of both employers and their employees in regard to working in safe, inclusive environments. Policies Include: Accommodation Policy Checklist Acknowledgement of Diversity Policy Objectives Statement of Applicability Roles and Responsibilities of employer and staff Communication Training Monitoring Anti-Harassment Policy Checklist Descriptions of Harassment and Harassing Behaviour Employee Rights Employer’s Responsibilities Deal with allegations seriously and quickly Investigate all complaints considering: Reasonable timeframes for action Persons Responsible for Making Decision Protect against victimization or retaliation Enforce a zero-tolerance approach Communicating Training Mentoring *From Module 9 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Disciplinary Measures Package

    Disciplining an employee is a process to be taken with care. All relevant company policies and procedures as well as provincial and federal laws surrounding employee rights must be observed to the letter. This four-page package has everything you need to conduct a safe and equitable termination of employment. From infraction tracking to disciplinary measures used this package prepares you for both the disciplinary meetings themselves and the professional follow-ups often required. Package Includes: Recommended Disciplinary Measures Infractions Verbal & Written Warnings Suspensions Dismissal Disciplinary Meeting Preparation Checklist Meeting Preparation Conducting the Meeting Next Steps Disciplinary Letter Templates *From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Workplace Safety Kit

    Safety information must be clearly communicated to all employees. It should focus on safe working practices, accident prevention and emergency procedures. This one-page checklist is ready to use ensuring your organization has thoroughly addressed workplace safety. Checklist Includes: Workplace Safety Checklist A list of employees who have first-aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other safety-related certification. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Guidelines for electricity, fire, security, sanitation and public health issues. Procedures for safe handling of equipment. Additional First Aid Kit Contents Instruments Bandage Types Antiseptic Other Risk Evaluation Grid Risks Probability Consequence Severity Safety Action Plan Template Risk Priority Approach Measures to Implement Champion Deadline *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.