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  • TEMPLATE: Application Form Template

    Most employment applications request standard details such as an applicant’s basic personal information. Start with the template below; consider your needs as an employer and the actual job requirements. Customize your application form to be truly effective. Replace all text in italics with your own information as required. Sections Include: Personal Information Training & Education Work History *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Job Advertisement

    This one-page template outlines the responsibilities, knowledge, skills and physical demands of a sample position for a food manufacturing company. Use this template to easily create and post your hiring needs to job boards everywhere. Sections Include: Company Introduction Position Overview Major Responsibilities Knowledge and Skills Physical Demands *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Application Screening Grid

    Streamline your process of candidate selection with this employee screening grid. Each candidate can be easily scored for their training, experience, and competencies and compared in this chart. Easily customizable to highlight skills and abilities essential for your positions. Sections Include: Scoring Scale Relevance of Training Relevance of Experience Mastery of Competency *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Application Form

    Most employment applications request standard details such as an applicant’s basic personal information. Start with the template below; consider your needs as an employer and the actual job requirements. Customize your application form to be truly effective. Replace all text in italics with your own information as required. Sections Include: Personal Information Training & Education Work History *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Interview Guide & Candidate Evaluation Chart

    The process of preparing for and selecting the best candidates for your business needs can be streamlined and efficient. This guide builds on the Application Screening Grid to encourage focus on a select few core competencies to score each applicant on during the interview process. This three-page resource includes scoring standards, customizable competency evaluation exercises for applicants to complete and tips on how to guide the interview process to make effective use of the time spent with each candidate. Sections Include: Interview Preparation Interview Process Establishing Rapport Sample Competency Evaluation *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Reference Check Guide

    3.6 Reference Check Guide Most employment applications request the ability to conduct a reference check with a prospective candidate’s previous employers. This three-page guide allows your human resources team to easily prepare for, conduct and score candidates based on the process of checking references provided during the application process. Sections Include: Preparing to make a Reference Check Conducting the Reference Check Evaluation & Scoring Common Reference Check Questions Performance Assessment Grid *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Job Offer Template with Pay & Benefits Outline

    This template will help you create an effective offer letter for successful candidates. Replace the text in parentheses with relevant information and you’ll have a letter of offer drafted in no time. Although not mandatory, we’ve included a thorough pay and benefits outline to provide the successful candidate with position details essential to make an informed decision of job acceptance or declination. Ready to use or easily adapt to suit your corporate branding. Sections Include: Letter of Offer Structure Pay and Benefits Outline Probation Period Performance Reviews Paid Vacations and Holidays Group Benefits *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Rejection Letter Template

    Bad news is often difficult to impart. Finding the right words can be a challenge. The FPHRC's template will help you draft a letter to advise unsuccessful candidates that they were not selected for the position. Sections Include: Letter of Rejection Structure Suggested Wording Easily Adapted to your Corporate Branding *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Confidentiality Agreement

    Often positions require giving employees access to sensitive company information, policies and processes. This one-page template covers all the key elements a standard confidentiality agreement requires to enforce non-disclosure of confidential company information. Sections Include: Definition of Confidential Information Prohibited Uses Permitted Uses *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.