• Workplace Essentials: Document Use

    This course addresses document use, one of the skills which extensive government and industry research has identified as essential to success in work, learning and life. These skills provide the foundation for learning other skills and are the cornerstone of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning and workplace skills training are closely linked to productivity, adaptability and innovation, all vital elements of today’s competitive and rapidly changing global business environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Employer and Employee Expectations

    This course will provide you with the knowledge and skills to understand what is expected of you as an employee within a Canadian Workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada. Workplace expectations differ in every country. Canadian workplace culture expects individuals to be competent in speaking, listening and socializing with other people; to know the etiquette of working harmoniously with co-workers and supervisors; and to understand and respect cultural differences in the workplace. Employees are also expected to know general business etiquette, how to dress for the production floor and the office environment, and their rights and obligations in the Canadian workplace. Being familiar with and meeting these expectations are important to job success and career advancement in Canada.

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