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On-Farm Food Safety Training


This course will meet basic training requirements for on-farm food safety and provide a better understanding on how to implement efficient On-Farm HACCP-based systems.

Participants will learn how to develop and enforce a food safety system overview based on a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to sustaining and growing your business in today’s environment.

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This course will meet basic training requirements for on-farm food safety and provide a better understanding on how to implement efficient On-Farm HACCP-based systems.

Participants will learn how to develop and enforce a food safety system overview based on a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) approach to sustaining and growing your business in today’s environment.

Learning Objectives

After completing this course, you will have a thorough understanding of:

  • Establishing food safety culture through management commitment;
  • Communication;
  • Personnel hygiene policies and training;
  • Recognizing the difference between Food Safety, Food Fraud, and Food Defense;
  • Identifying the sources of On-Farm Biological, Chemical, and Physical contaminations and the control measures;
  • The importance of documenting the farm site history, performing soil evaluations, using medicated/non-medicated, vaccination and animal handling/segregation issues, as well as planning the crop rotation and harvest patterns;
  • Improving food safety through proper animal handling and feeding;
  • Identifying the controls over Agricultural chemicals such as pesticide, manure and protect the farm from foreign animal contamination;
  • Establishing controls over the utilities, water, steam, ice, air quality and equipment and tools;
  • Applying good cleaning practices, waste management;
  • Understanding the recall, emergency preparedness program;
  • Learning the control hazards associated with product labeling and information for customers;
  • Understanding the HACCP 7 principles;
  • Learning about the risk assessment and hazard analysis requirements;
  • Establishing control measures, monitoring, corrective actions and verification procedures;
  • Outlining the internal audit and documentation requirements;

Course Outline & Major Topics:

  • Module 1: Management, Personnel Training/Hygiene, Fraud Control, Security
    • Management Aspects
    • Personnel Training
    • Employee Hygiene Policies and Training
    • Personnel Hygiene
    • Food Defense, Facility Security, Threats
    • Food Fraud, Vulnerability
    • Food Defense/Food Fraud
  • Module 2: Overview of On-Farm Contaminants and Controls
    • Preventing Biological Contamination
  • Module 3: Control of Farm Site, Animal Handling Hazards and Rotation
    • Farm History and Site Management
    • Crop Rotation and Harvest Patterns
    • Bedding, Animal Enclosure Hazard Controls
    • Animal Feeding, Vaccination, Handling, Segregation
    • A Global Threat
    • How Does Antimicrobial Resistance Develop?
    • How can antibiotic resistance spread?
    • What should you do?
  • Module 4: Control of Agricultural Chemical and Cross Contamination Hazards
    • Pesticide/Chemical Use, Chemical Drift and Withdrawal Periods
    • Manure or Biosolids Handling
    • Protection From Foreign Animal Contamination
    • Pest and Premises Control for Field Packing
  • Module 5: Control of Utilities and Cleaning Practices, Waste Management
    • Utilities: Water/Steam/Ice/Air
    • Premises Cleaning and Inspection
    • Pack Station Cleaning/Sanitation/Training Program
    • Produce Washing and Cleaning
    • Waste Management / Disposal
    • Cleaning/Sanitizing
  • Module 6: Equipment Hazard Controls
    • Equipment Design, Cleaning, and Maintenance
  • Module 7: Supplier, Transport and Storage Hazard Controls
    • Supplier and Incoming Item Hazard Control
    • Supplier and Incoming Item Hazard Control (Con’t)
    • Vehicles, Conveyances, Containers (VCC) Controls
    • Storage Controls
    • Storage Controls (Con’t)
    • Storage and Transport – Questions
    • Storage and Transport – Answers
  • Module 8: Recall Programs and Labelling Controls
    • Recall and Emergency Preparedness Program
    • Product Information, Labelling
  • Module 9: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
    • What Does HACCP Stand For?
    • Preliminary Steps
    • Preparing for HACCP Implementation
    • The 7 HACCP Principles
    • Principle 1: Hazard Analysis
    • Hazard Identification
    • Hazard Identification – Risk Assessment
    • Risk Assessment
    • Validation of Controls
    • Food Safety Pyramid
    • Principle 2: Critical Control Points
    • Preventive Control (PC) or Critical Control Point (CCP)
    • PC/CCP Decision Tree
    • Principle 3: Critical Control Limits
    • Principle 4: Monitoring
    • HACCP Plan Form: Monitoring
    • Principle 5: Corrective Actions
    • HACCP Plan Form: Principle 5:
    • Corrective Action Components
    • Principle 6: Verification Procedures
    • Validation, Verification, Updates
    • HACCP / Preventive Control Plans
    • Animal Farming HACCP Plan
    • Internal Audit, Verification & Follow Up
    • Principle 7: Documentation
    • Farm Product Safety Records
    • Control of Records

*Receive a nationally recognized certificate for participation in this course

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Owners
  • Supervisors
  • Production Personnel
  • Business Leaders
  • Agri-food Workers
  • Farmers

*Become a member to receive 20% off