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Workplace Harassment: What It Is & What To Do About It


Have you ever been in a social situation where you felt uncomfortable? We all experience them from time to time, but what happens when harassment is caused by circumstances you or a colleague you know is subjected to at your workplace every day?

There is no reason anyone should feel uncomfortable in their workplace environment, and to this end we offer a comprehensive course to clearly define what constitutes harassment and how to address it from your role in your organization whichever that may be.

Now is the time to speak up. By the end of this course learners of every background will know if an action is acceptable at work. If they are the victim of or witness an action that is not they will know what to do.

Stand up for fair treatment and safe, enjoyable workplace environments. Take our workplace harassment course today!


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Learning Objectives

  • Explain what acceptable behavior in the workplace is and what is not, and why
  • Apply the benefits of harassment training
  • Define the various types of harassment, including sexual harassment
  • Assist in creating a harassment policy
  • State some ways to prevent harassment and understand what role you can play
  • Demonstrate some ways to protect yourself from harassment
  • Know what to do if you are harassed or accused of harassment
  • Understand the complaint process, from the complaint to the reply, to mediation or investigation, to a solution
  • Identify situations where mediation is appropriate and understand how mediation works in those situations
  • Describe appropriate solutions for a harassment incident
  • Know what to do if a complaint is false
  • Help your workplace return to normal after a harassment incident


Course Outline & Major Topics

  • Types of Harassment and Legal Definitions
    • Defining Sexual Harassment
  • The Purpose of Training
    • Creating a Harassment Policy
    • Other Prevention Strategies
    • Nipping it in the Bud
  • Protecting Yourself & Minimizing Your Risks
    • Defining and Applying Key Strategies
  • What If It Happens to Me?
  • What If It’s Happening to Someone Else?
  • Someone Has Filed a Complaint Against Me!
    • Addressing a Complaint
    • Handling False Complaints
    • Mediation
    • Investigating a Complaint
  • Making the Decision
    • Creating Solutions
  • Applicable Skills & Moving Forward

*Receive a nationally recognized certificate for participation in this course


Who Should Take This Course?

  • Leaders and Team Builders
  • Human Resources Professionals
  • Front Line Workers
  • Supervisory and Management

*Become a member to receive 20% off