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  • TEMPLATE: Disciplinary Measures Package

    Disciplining an employee is a process to be taken with care. All relevant company policies and procedures as well as provincial and federal laws surrounding employee rights must be observed to the letter. This four-page package has everything you need to conduct a safe and equitable termination of employment. From infraction tracking to disciplinary measures used this package prepares you for both the disciplinary meetings themselves and the professional follow-ups often required. Package Includes: Recommended Disciplinary Measures Infractions Verbal & Written Warnings Suspensions Dismissal Disciplinary Meeting Preparation Checklist Meeting Preparation Conducting the Meeting Next Steps Disciplinary Letter Templates *From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Human Resources Meeting Checklists

    Do you find some meetings long an inconclusive? Draw from the FPHRC’s high standards for respect, professionalism and best practice in your meetings today. This template may be the resource you need to ensure efficiency and productivity from all one on one or group interactions with clients, colleagues, potential hires and more. Checklists Include: Meeting Preparation Techniques Establishing a comfortable environment Building Trust Approaches to Communication Effective Closes *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Exit Checklist

    Use our termination checklist to verify all necessary steps have been taken to ensure a smooth transition from the company. This is a ready to use on-page tool to sign off on all mandatory termination steps i.e. security and employee badges returned, pager, computer, company cell phone... The template is designed to be signed off by the employee, Human Resources and Payroll. Termination Checklist Includes: Employee Information Termination Information Items for Collection Contracts to Terminate Signatures *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Decision to Terminate Checklist

    Terminating an employee and by extension another’s livelihood and career requires careful consideration, checks and adherence to company policies as well as governing laws. This two-page resource allows all employ Policies Include: Termination Checklist Records of Attendance Performance and Disciplinary Action Reviewed All incidents accurately considered and documented Written Evidence exists that parties are aware of job needs and policies Other forms of Disciplinary Action have been considered Decision to Terminate is based on objective Standards This Termination of Employment is consistent with Previous Terminations All Relevant Parties have been Consulted I can justify the termination if the employee takes legal action Common Employee Questions *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Workplace Safety Kit

    Safety information must be clearly communicated to all employees. It should focus on safe working practices, accident prevention and emergency procedures. This one-page checklist is ready to use ensuring your organization has thoroughly addressed workplace safety. Checklist Includes: Workplace Safety Checklist A list of employees who have first-aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and other safety-related certification. Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS). Guidelines for electricity, fire, security, sanitation and public health issues. Procedures for safe handling of equipment. Additional First Aid Kit Contents Instruments Bandage Types Antiseptic Other Risk Evaluation Grid Risks Probability Consequence Severity Safety Action Plan Template Risk Priority Approach Measures to Implement Champion Deadline *From Module 8 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Mentoring Program Development Checklist

    Mentoring programs are an effective way to encourage growth, skill development and prepare for succession planning by encouraging employees take on leading roles among their colleagues and peers. This two-page package includes both a checklist of questions geared to prepare employees and mentors for the process as well as a sheet to track the action plan. Learning objectives are easily identified, as well as timeframes, methods of evaluation and mentor comments allowing your human resources team to easily determine effectiveness of mentoring candidates. Checklist Includes: Familiarize staff with informal training by using one-on-one coaching or on-the-job help sessions. Identify individuals that might benefit from a mentoring program. Introduce and explain the mentoring program by meeting with your employees in a workshop, seminar, or discussion-group setting. Meeting management suggestions. Collect information on potential candidates and determine appropriate matches based on similarities in employee interests and needs. Discuss how each person will benefit from the process. Set a time and place for the next meeting. Create an action plan. Allow the mentor and protégé to steer the process as it moves forward. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: On-The-Job Demonstration Checklist

    On-the-job demonstrations are one of the most effective ways to teach best practice as well as safe handling of products and equipment in the workplace. They offer the ability to directly oversee an employee’s practical application of knowledge and skill when performing workplace duties. This Resource is an effective checklist for facilitators to verify all processes are being followed correctly and next steps for both trainers and employees are clear. Checklist Includes: Put employees at ease by establishing an informal atmosphere and using first names. Become familiar with the employees’ knowledge and skill base by watching them perform the task. Review with employees why the task is important. Demonstrate the task as you expect it to be performed. Make sure employees can see and hear what you are doing. Explain that you will first demonstrate the task as you would normally do it, and then repeat the demonstration more slowly, explaining each step. Ask employees questions at different stages of the demonstration. Use personal anecdotes or stories to reinforce key points. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Coaching Program Checklist

    Coaching can be challenging to initiate successfully. Often successful employees that excel in their duties and abilities may lack the skillset to effectively coach or mentor their colleagues and comrades. This three-page checklist covers the need for coaching in your business, who would be suitable as a mentor or coach, coaching self-evaluation guides and an on the job coaching checklist. Questions Include: Coaching Program Checklist Would You Be a Good Coach? On-The-Job Coaching Checklist Are you communicating your performance expectations, so employees can base their development goals on clear standards? Are you asking questions designed to assist employees in finding their own effective solutions to problems? Are you modelling or demonstrating tasks employees can follow effectively? Are you following up periodically after initial training phases are complete to gauge progress and effectiveness? *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Employee Sign-On Session & Orientation

    Missing any steps when on-boarding a new employee can cost your company unnecessary time and money. This checklist makes it easy to verify all appropriate checks have been made. This four page package includes checklists for both sign-on and employee orientation ensuring new employees are given everything they need to adjust to and feel comfortable in their new roles. Template Includes: Sign On Checklist Examples: Fully signed and completed Application Forms Employee Number and ID Card Completed signed TD1 form Employee Dependents Enrolment Forms for Employee Benefit Programs Signed and Dated Safety Policy Signed and Dated Confidentiality Agreement Reviewed Pay and Benefits Outline Introduced to Supervisor   Orientation Activities Example: Welcome Workplace Introduction Job Responsibilities Explained Work Conditions Work Equipment Policies and Procedures Evaluation and Development *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.