• La COVID-19 et la transformation alimentaire

    Description Ce cours vous aidera à vous intégrer au Canada en tant que travailleur de l’industrie de transformation des aliments pendant l’épidémie mondiale de COVID-19. Nous allons examiner de plus près l’effet de la COVID-19 sur nos habitudes quotidiennes au travail et à la maison. Nous vous donnerons également des conseils utiles pour rester en sécurité et nous découvrirons des moyens de vous protéger, vous et vos collègues, contre la maladie. À la fin de ce cours, vous serez un expert. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Delegation – The Art of Delegating Effectively

    Effective delegation is one of the most valuable skills you can master. It reduces your workload and develops employee skills. Delegating prepares employees who work for you to be able to handle your responsibilities and simultaneously allows you to advance to other career opportunities within your organization. Delegation is often one of the hardest skills for a manager to master. However, the skill can be learned. This course will explore many of the facets of delegation, including when to delegate and whom to delegate to. We will also go through the delegation process step by step and learn about techniques to overcome problems. Member price:  $124.00
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Job Advertisement

    This one-page template outlines the responsibilities, knowledge, skills and physical demands of a sample position for a food manufacturing company. Use this template to easily create and post your hiring needs to job boards everywhere. Sections Include: Company Introduction Position Overview Major Responsibilities Knowledge and Skills Physical Demands *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Compensation & Benefits – Module Four FPHRC ORIGINAL (Draft)

    In this module we break down all aspects of compensation and benefits systems. These are easy to follow, straightforward and comprehensive sections designed to answer all your questions and concerns about these important aspects of effective Human Resources. This package is designed to be referenced with free information on wages and salaries for various occupations are available at the HRSDC’s website www.worldatwork.org * Part of the FPHRC's Industry Leading Toolkit available in full here
  • Conflict Resolution – Dealing With Difficult People

    Success comes from understanding how we behave, as well as how we can influence others. If difficult interactions are necessary, and we approach those conversations with a plan, we will find that we have less difficult people to deal with. More often than not, we will also have more meaningful and significant conversations. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • The Spark Within

    This industry report looks at generational perspectives in Canada's Labour Force. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Fraud and Authenticity

    This course will provide businesses with the tools and strategies to quantify, detect and prevent food fraud. It will also provide some guidelines and practices on how to build an anti-fraud culture in your company. Designed to give students a strong understanding of food fraud and food authenticity. This course emphasizes the importance of using existing legislative frameworks, strengthening of intelligence sharing and analysis to understand, mitigate and minimize fraud. Effective monitoring systems are essential to maintaining the integrity of a company’s own activities to maintain the assurance and integrity of its products, brand and supply chains. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Fondements des procédures normalisées d’exploitation (PNE) et des procédures normalisées d’exploitation pour l’hygiène (PNEH)

    Description du cours Ce cours est conçu pour les travailleurs de première ligne et il décrira en détail les exigences fondamentales des procédures opérationnelles normalisées et les procédures opérationnelles normalisées d’assainissement dans l’industrie alimentaire.   Les participants seront en mesure de définir les PON et les PONA, de comprendre comment celles-ci appuient les programmes de sécurité alimentaire et de déterminer les indicateurs d’une élaboration et d’une formation efficaces des PON et des PONA. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Coaching for Success

    The EI-Coach is an effective approach to professional coaching that focuses on helping others become more intelligent with their emotions in the workplace and beyond. Exceptional supervisors use coaching to unlock human potential and improve workplace performance. EI-Coaching aims to fine-tune and build deeper connections through conversations and active listening. It also attempts to explore goals that stem from an employee's core values and independent choices. *Become a member to receive 20% off

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