• Fondements des procédures normalisées d’exploitation (PNE) et des procédures normalisées d’exploitation pour l’hygiène (PNEH)

    Description du cours Ce cours est conçu pour les travailleurs de première ligne et il décrira en détail les exigences fondamentales des procédures opérationnelles normalisées et les procédures opérationnelles normalisées d’assainissement dans l’industrie alimentaire.   Les participants seront en mesure de définir les PON et les PONA, de comprendre comment celles-ci appuient les programmes de sécurité alimentaire et de déterminer les indicateurs d’une élaboration et d’une formation efficaces des PON et des PONA. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Knowing & Handling My Emotions

    Knowing and handling our emotions effectively are the key to self-mastery. One way to define self-mastery is being aware of your own emotions and being able to handle them in positively.  You can also think of self-mastery as being similar to self-control.  When you do something that you think is the right choice, even if it is hard, you’re showing self-mastery. By completing this training, you will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and tools that will help you better understand your own emotions and how to handle them, which results in greater self-mastery. By applying these self-mastery skills, you will experience improved satisfaction with your job, career and life, and your contributions in the workplace will become more positively impactful and professional. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Tecnología digital

    Este curso cubrirá cómo la tecnología digital implica el uso de herramientas y software digitales; la aplicación de medidas de seguridad para proteger el hardware, el software y los datos personales; y la comprensión del uso de la información digital. *Hazte socio y disfruta de un 20% de descuento*
  • 数字化技术

    描述 在工作场所,我们以许多不同的方式相互交流,从写信息到使用手势。我们在工作场所交流的最常见方式之一是与他人交谈。良好的职场沟通技巧非常重要。最好的沟通者使用策略和技巧来传达他们的信息。在本课程中,您将了解到使用成功工作场所沟通的技巧和工具将非常值得您花费时间和精力! *成为会员可享受20%的折扣*
  • Creating and Selling Cannabis Infused Products

    This course provides an introduction to the cannabis-infused product industry. Understand the law that governs and will govern cannabis-infused products in Canada, be able to distinguish between the principal ingredients that make up a cannabis-infused product, comprehend the different methods of production and understand the difference between a medical and recreational cannabis-infused product. Once you have completed this course, you will be able to understand and demonstrate the skills to provide general knowledge related to cannabis and cannabis edible products in Canada. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • COVID-19 & Food Processing

    This course will help you integrate into Canada as a Temporary Foreign Worker during the worldwide outbreak of Covid-19. We have prepared 6 modules of information that will help you be prepared to integrate into Canada comfortably as a temporary foreign worker during Covid-19. We will review the effects Covid-19 has had on immigration across Canada and how it may also affect you as a temporary foreign worker. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Канада — культура на рабочем месте

    Описание Канада - огромная страна с множеством различных культур. Понимание того, что делает Канаду такой разнообразной страной, является важнейшим навыком для того, чтобы быть членом команды на канадском рабочем месте. Существуют различные аспекты канадского рабочего места, которые могут отличаться от рабочих мест в других странах. Мы внимательно рассмотрим такие темы, как основные канадские факты, соответствующий этикет на рабочем месте, включая язык тела, коммуникативные навыки и общепринятые правила вежливости, а также важность демонстрации адаптивности, трудовой этики и рабочей инициативы. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • Occupational Health & Safety – Module Eight FPHRC ORIGINAL (Draft)

    This module provides you with the tools and resources to satisfy Occupational Health and Safety laws enforced by municipal, provincial, federal and international bodies of government. These tools and resources allow you and your management teams to more easily prevent and control safety. You will find all the reference sheets, equations and lists you will need conveniently located in one place. Easy to reference in case of emergency. * Part of the FPHRC's Industry Leading Toolkit available in full here
  • Technologies numériques

    Bienvenue au cours Technologies numériques. Ce cours vous fournira les informations et les connaissances nécessaires pour accomplir des tâches professionnelles dans un environnement numérique. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction

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