
TEMPLATE: Performance Evaluation Form


This eight-page resource covers the creation and use of performance management evaluations, including how often they are completed, monitoring, feedback and evaluation processes. Supervisor and employee meet informally during the performance cycle to review the employee’s progress. Formal reviews may also be conducted, particularly if either the supervisor or employee changes jobs or a key milestone is reached. Completed Performance Management Forms are expected to be added to the employee’s Human Resource file.

Performance Evaluation Includes:

  • Performance Evaluation Forms
    • Confidentiality
    • Creation & Implementation
    • Evaluation Stages
  • Performance Planning & Review
    • Objectives
    • Key Indicators
    • Target Completion Dates
    • Results
  • Learning & Development
    • Skills To Develop
    • Action Plan
    • Completion Dates
    • Results
  • Competency Review
    • Knowledge of Job
    • Productivity
    • Quality of Work
    • Reliability
    • Communication
    • Analytical Ability
    • Initiative

*From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.


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This eight-page resource covers the creation and use of performance management evaluations, including how often they are completed, monitoring, feedback and evaluation processes. Supervisor and employee meet informally during the performance cycle to review the employee’s progress. Formal reviews may also be conducted, particularly if either the supervisor or employee changes jobs or a key milestone is reached. Completed Performance Management Forms are expected to be added to the employee’s Human Resource file.

Performance Evaluation Includes:

  • Performance Evaluation Forms
    • Confidentiality
    • Creation & Implementation
    • Evaluation Stages
  • Performance Planning & Review
    • Objectives
    • Key Indicators
    • Target Completion Dates
    • Results
  • Learning & Development
    • Skills To Develop
    • Action Plan
    • Completion Dates
    • Results
  • Competency Review
    • Knowledge of Job
    • Productivity
    • Quality of Work
    • Reliability
    • Communication
    • Analytical Ability
    • Initiative

*From Module 6 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.