Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer
$180.00Behind every spectacular training session is a lot of preparation and meticulous attention to detail. The truly skilled trainer can make a program exciting. The learners will have fun while they are learning if the facilitator is able to involve their emotions as well as their minds. You will see the involvement, and you will feel the energy. To reach this stage as an adult educator isn’t always easy, but success isn’t just for the naturally gifted. It is possible for all of us who put effort into our personal growth and development. We want the enormous satisfaction that comes from working with others to help them reach their potential as human beings. This course will help you reach that goal. -
Training & Mentoring – Module Five FPHRC ORIGINAL (Draft)
$25.00In this module we walk you through training, one of the greatest investments you can make in your company’s future. Training enables your organization to improve the skills, efficiency and abilities of your workforce. Simultaneously your product quality, customer satisfaction and quality and assurance checks will also benefit greatly from good training practices. * Part of the FPHRC's Industry Leading Toolkit available in full here -
TEMPLATE: On-The-Job Demonstration Checklist
$3.00On-the-job demonstrations are one of the most effective ways to teach best practice as well as safe handling of products and equipment in the workplace. They offer the ability to directly oversee an employee’s practical application of knowledge and skill when performing workplace duties. This Resource is an effective checklist for facilitators to verify all processes are being followed correctly and next steps for both trainers and employees are clear. Checklist Includes: Put employees at ease by establishing an informal atmosphere and using first names. Become familiar with the employees’ knowledge and skill base by watching them perform the task. Review with employees why the task is important. Demonstrate the task as you expect it to be performed. Make sure employees can see and hear what you are doing. Explain that you will first demonstrate the task as you would normally do it, and then repeat the demonstration more slowly, explaining each step. Ask employees questions at different stages of the demonstration. Use personal anecdotes or stories to reinforce key points. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Mentoring Program Development Checklist
$3.00Mentoring programs are an effective way to encourage growth, skill development and prepare for succession planning by encouraging employees take on leading roles among their colleagues and peers. This two-page package includes both a checklist of questions geared to prepare employees and mentors for the process as well as a sheet to track the action plan. Learning objectives are easily identified, as well as timeframes, methods of evaluation and mentor comments allowing your human resources team to easily determine effectiveness of mentoring candidates. Checklist Includes: Familiarize staff with informal training by using one-on-one coaching or on-the-job help sessions. Identify individuals that might benefit from a mentoring program. Introduce and explain the mentoring program by meeting with your employees in a workshop, seminar, or discussion-group setting. Meeting management suggestions. Collect information on potential candidates and determine appropriate matches based on similarities in employee interests and needs. Discuss how each person will benefit from the process. Set a time and place for the next meeting. Create an action plan. Allow the mentor and protégé to steer the process as it moves forward. *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here. -
TEMPLATE: Coaching Program Checklist
$3.00Coaching can be challenging to initiate successfully. Often successful employees that excel in their duties and abilities may lack the skillset to effectively coach or mentor their colleagues and comrades. This three-page checklist covers the need for coaching in your business, who would be suitable as a mentor or coach, coaching self-evaluation guides and an on the job coaching checklist. Questions Include: Coaching Program Checklist Would You Be a Good Coach? On-The-Job Coaching Checklist Are you communicating your performance expectations, so employees can base their development goals on clear standards? Are you asking questions designed to assist employees in finding their own effective solutions to problems? Are you modelling or demonstrating tasks employees can follow effectively? Are you following up periodically after initial training phases are complete to gauge progress and effectiveness? *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.