• Growing Your Gender-Friendly Vocabulary

    This is the third course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. Feeling comfortable in navigating this transitioning communication landscape and cultural shift is job critical for any supervisor or manager hoping to ensure that all employees are well-supported and respected in their workplace roles. This course will explore key gender definitions, language approaches, and thoughtful practices in the new gender landscape, in a way that is accessible to all. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Effective Planning and Scheduling

    As project managers and leads, we all know how difficult it can be to accurately determine the duration of a project, yet that is exactly what is expected of us on a regular basis. This course will not disclose the secret of creating an accurate schedule, because there isn’t one. However, it will provide the factors and fundamental elements that you should consider and address when creating any type of schedule.   Member price:  $200.00
  • Active Listening

    Communication skills are at the heart of everything we do each day, whether at home, at work, or at play. Active listening encompasses the best of communication, including listening to what others are saying, processing the information, and responding to it in order to clarify and elicit more information. This course will help participants develop and practice their active listening skills.
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun

    Most people have been at a party or some other social occasion where someone has told an inappropriate joke and ruined the mood (at least temporarily). Likewise, we’ve all been somewhere where the class clown is able to lighten the mood and help people have fun. The good news is that humor can help you make your training sessions just as engaging as those fun social occasions. Even better, you don’t need to be the class clown or an award-winning comedian to do it. This course will help you identify what kind of humor you can bring to the classroom, and how games can help you engage your participants.
  • Business Etiquette – Gaining That Extra Edge

    If you’ve ever had an awkward moment where: You aren’t sure which fork to use, You don’t know which side plate is yours, You’ve ever had to make small talk with a Very Important Person and been lost for words… Then you know just how agonizing such moments can be. Even worse (and what can be even more damaging to your career) are the social gaffes you aren’t even aware you make. This course will help you handle most of those socially difficult moments. You’ll have an extra edge in areas you may not have given a lot of thought to before.
  • Customer Service Training – Critical Elements of Customer Service

    The need to lead, model, and promote the organizational values within a customer service environment is essential for business success. This course will provide you with opportunities to explore your responsibilities within your role as a leader (supervisor or manager) in a customer service environment.   Member price:  $132.00
  • The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion-Conscious Organization

    This is the first course of the FPSC DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) course series. The DEI world is a rich field of organizational leadership with a variety of practical strategies to support DEI growth in the workplace. For many, the question is not ‘if’ they should explore diversity, equity, and inclusion in their leadership approach but rather ‘how’. Through practical, framing, reframing, and reflection activities, this course will assist you in better recognizing the relevancy and potential solutions of DEI management and leadership in your role. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Building Personal Resilience

    The purpose of this Building Personal Resilience course is to provide employees with information, guidance, and tips on how to build their personal resilience in order to better manage stress, more effectively deal with challenging and adverse situations, and learn and apply strategies that improve their current and future life. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Creative Thinking and Innovation

    Creative thinking and innovation are vital components in both our personal and professional lives. However, many people feel as though they are lacking in creativity. What most of us do not recognize is that we are creative on a daily basis, whether it’s picking out what clothes to wear in the morning or stretching a tight budget at work. While these tasks may not normally be associated with creativity, there is a great deal of creativity involved to get those jobs done. While some people seem to be simply bursting with creativity, others find it a struggle to think outside the square. If you fall into the latter category, it is important to understand that boosting your creative and innovative abilities takes practice. Recognizing and honing your own creative potential is a process. That’s what this course is all about.    

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