• Oral Communication

    In the workplace, we communicate with each other in many different ways, from writing messages to using hand signals. One of the most common ways that we communicate in the workplace is by speaking with others. Good workplace communication skills are very important. The best communicators use strategies and techniques to get their message across. During this course, you will learn that using the tips and tools of successful workplace communication will be well worth your time and effort!
  • 新冠肺炎疫情与食品加工

    描述 本课程将帮助您在 Covid-19 全球爆发期间作为临时外国工人融入加拿大。我们将仔细研究 Covid-19 对我们日常工作和家庭生活的影响,我们还将为您提供有关保持安全的有用提示,并找出保护您自己和您的同事免于生病的方法。完成本课程后,您将成为专家。 *成为会员可享受20%的折扣*
  • TEMPLATE: Training Needs Assessment Survey

    Recognizing the need for additional training can be a challenge when working with a large group of employees. This three-page assessment makes it easy to determine which employees are aware of the company’s values and growth, as well as which areas each feel could use additional attention. This will assist in the selection of appropriate training methods and content. Questions Include: Do you feel you understand where the company is headed over the next year? How does your work fit in with company goals? How can the company help you improve your job performance? How do we know if our company is successful? Please describe an ongoing issue you feel requires additional attention. Do you need any training to better accomplish your own job? *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Training Plan Template

    Training is an effective way of maximizing an employee’s knowledge and ability to excel at their role within your organization. This three-page template provides you with a system to determine the most relevant areas of improvement and prescribe appropriate training. Sections Include: Needs Assessment Prioritization of Needs Determining Learning Objectives Identifying Training Solutions Evaluating Training Effectiveness *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Safety Footwear Reimbursement Form

    This form outlines all fields required when the company purchases and owns an employee’s safety equipment. Complying with safety standards is vital in any industry, however is especially important when working in Food Manufacturing. Footwear is one of the most common requirements all employees must comply with in order to work safely. This cost can be a lot to ask of new hires before any wages have been earned, and it is common for employers to absorb the cost and introduce regulations like footwear cannot be removed from designated locations in the workplace to maximize safety. *From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • How to Attract, Recruit and Retain Talent

    This course will introduce participants to candidate-centric recruiting, including tips and techniques that drive positive candidate experience, strengthen recruitment, maintain engagement and improve retention of new employees. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • TEMPLATE: Training Activities

    This two-page reference chart covers a range of activities that can be done as team building or coaching exercises at the workplace. This template can be easily customized and distributed to managers and other business leaders that will be responsible for the training and effectiveness of employees in your workplace. Activities Include: Case Study Methods Coaching Sessions Brainstorming Demonstrations Field Trips Lectures Games Group Discussions Learning Circles Panel Discussions Projects Role Playing Simulations Small Group Activities *From Module 5 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Education Reimbursement Form

    There is no better way to develop talent and encourage loyalty then covering or assisting in the education of your employees. This two-page template covers the necessary information required from both employee and employer when evaluating the value of a field of study. Mutually beneficial arrangements conclude with both parties signing the attached forms to be held on file pending the successful completion of courses involved. Reimbursement Form Includes: Employee Information Course Information Course Benefits Employee Authorization Signatures & Payment Approval *From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Initiation aux Plans de Contrôle Préventif

    Ce cours vous sensibilisera davantage au projet de Règlement sur la salubrité des aliments au Canada, à ses répercussions sur vos activités et aux plans de contrôle préventif (PCP), si bien que les connaîtrez mieux. Les divers exercices et évaluations vous aideront à déterminer les renseignements que contient un PCP et à déterminer l’information qui vous manque. Nous utilisons une foule de ressources de sources diverses pour vous aider à comprendre ce qu’est un PCP. Il s’agit là d’une excellente occasion pour vous d’être proactif et d’élaborer votre propre PCP. * Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de réduction

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