
TEMPLATE: Point Matrix System


This template will help you list critical factors relevant to your business. Then for each factor, determine the specific weight each level should be assigned. Multiply the level weight by the weight you assigned the factor to calculate the final score for each job.

Critical Factors Include:

  • Responsibility
    • Product Quality
    • Safety of Others
    • Equipment and Materials
    • Orientation & Training of Others
  • Skills
    • Experience
    • Education/Training
  • Effort
    • Physical
    • Mental
  • Working Conditions
    • Stress or Unpleasant Conditions
    • Hazards

*From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.


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This template will help you list critical factors relevant to your business. Then for each factor, determine the specific weight each level should be assigned. Multiply the level weight by the weight you assigned the factor to calculate the final score for each job.

Critical Factors Include:

  • Responsibility
    • Product Quality
    • Safety of Others
    • Equipment and Materials
    • Orientation & Training of Others
  • Skills
    • Experience
    • Education/Training
  • Effort
    • Physical
    • Mental
  • Working Conditions
    • Stress or Unpleasant Conditions
    • Hazards

*From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.