• Food Processing Safety & You!

    This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene.  It is designed to be informative and interactive so participants can learn about good industrial practices and how to prevent product contamination. This course provides the food processing industry – more specifically, the production worker, with general knowledge related to food safety and incorporates elements of sanitation and hygiene. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Food Spoilage and Food Safety

    This course describes the components of food safety, how food spoilage occurs, and how to prevent it. The course is designed to help new food workers understand their role and responsibilities in prevention and management of food spoilage and food safety. This knowledge is key to a successful career in the food industry. Knowing what causes food spoilage, when food is bad, how to prevent economic loss due to food spoilage and learning about employee’s role in keeping food safe is the most important skill to have when working with food. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Introduction Aux Allergènes

    Ce cours met en évidence l'importance et l'impact des allergènes sur la sécurité des consommateurs, ainsi que les raisons pour lesquelles la sensibilisation et la gestion des allergènes sont une préoccupation majeure de l'industrie alimentaire. Apprenez les causes et les effets liés aux allergènes alimentaires, les complexités associées à la gestion et à la prévention des allergènes alimentaires indésirables, et les exigences réglementaires canadiennes associées. *Devenez membre pour bénéficier d'une réduction de 20%
  • Industrial Workplace Safety

    Worker safety is of premier importance. Food processing is often on an industrial scale with automated equipment and many potential hazards. Being aware and trained to deal with these potential hazards and workplace situations is critical for employee safety. This course will provide workers in the food processing industry with knowledge of the safety requirements necessary to ensure a healthy and safe work environment. *Become a member to receive 20% off
  • Lock Out Tag Out

    This program is designed to introduce to the topic of Lock Out - Tag Out (LOTO), so you can better comprehend the occupational health and safety instructions given to you on the job as they relate to LOTO and its broader safety topic of energy isolation.