• Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 6: Managing Performance

    An effective performance management system helps the leadership team, managers and employees communicate goals, share information, foster learning and development, and explore career progression opportunities.  Organization goals and objectives are supported on a day-to-day basis with effective employee communication designed to manage workplace conflict as it arises and with well-designed Disciplinary Action Processes and Employee Reward Programs.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 8: Health and Safety

    Workplace health and safety (H&S) is a must for all organizations. Employers must show due diligence by taking all the precautions that are reasonable to protect the well-being of employees.  Employees must share in this responsibility by exhibiting a working knowledge of health and safety topics and by participating in efforts towards protecting themselves and anyone else around them.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 1: Establishing HR Function

    This module includes an overview of the Human Resources Management function and how Human Resources (HR) systems, methods, processes and procedures are typically organized and implemented by owners, manager, supervisors, and contractors. Your own HR strategy, as well as your HR processes and procedures will depend on the size and format of your workforce, as well as the goals of your organization.  
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 7: Retention

    Managing your business for employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees satisfied, motivated and engaged so they remain employed and fully productive with your organization. A comprehensive employee retention program includes measuring turnover, taking stock of employee satisfaction and understanding why employees leave the organization.  Daily practices that foster a healthy work environment and effective communication support these efforts and ultimately contribute towards employee retention.