• Канада — культура на рабочем месте

    Описание Канада - огромная страна с множеством различных культур. Понимание того, что делает Канаду такой разнообразной страной, является важнейшим навыком для того, чтобы быть членом команды на канадском рабочем месте. Существуют различные аспекты канадского рабочего места, которые могут отличаться от рабочих мест в других странах. Мы внимательно рассмотрим такие темы, как основные канадские факты, соответствующий этикет на рабочем месте, включая язык тела, коммуникативные навыки и общепринятые правила вежливости, а также важность демонстрации адаптивности, трудовой этики и рабочей инициативы. *Станьте участником, чтобы получить скидку 20%*
  • TEMPLATE: Human Resources Planning Checklist

    Are you asking the right questions when planning for the future needs of your business? The FPHRC’s HR Planning Checklist asks you the questions you need to address before taking action. These include questions like: What are the organization’s priorities (e.g., market share, revenues per customer)? What emerging directions or organizational changes will have an impact on HR issues (e.g., company expansion, higher-level skill requirements)? Is my plan consistent with other organizational policies such as our business plan and our HR manual? *From Module 2 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here
  • Technologies numériques

    Bienvenue au cours Technologies numériques. Ce cours vous fournira les informations et les connaissances nécessaires pour accomplir des tâches professionnelles dans un environnement numérique. *Devenez membre pour recevoir 20% de reduction
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit

    Backed by government and industry leading LMI (Labour Market Information), the FPSC’s HR Toolkit guides you through 10 streamlined modules. Everything you need to know to work in and run a business in Canada’s largest industry is at your fingertips. Each Module is easy to follow, straightforward and comprehensive. Complete with companion resources ready to use, and easy to adapt to your unique corporate branding.  
  • Workplace Harassment: What It Is & What To Do About It

    Have you ever been in a social situation where you felt uncomfortable? We all experience them from time to time, but what happens when harassment is caused by circumstances you or a colleague you know is subjected to at your workplace every day? There is no reason anyone should feel uncomfortable in their workplace environment, and to this end we offer a comprehensive course to clearly define what constitutes harassment and how to address it from your role in your organization whichever that may be. Now is the time to speak up. By the end of this course learners of every background will know if an action is acceptable at work. If they are the victim of or witness an action that is not they will know what to do. Stand up for fair treatment and safe, enjoyable workplace environments. Take our workplace harassment course today!
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 7: Retention

    Managing your business for employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees satisfied, motivated and engaged so they remain employed and fully productive with your organization. A comprehensive employee retention program includes measuring turnover, taking stock of employee satisfaction and understanding why employees leave the organization.  Daily practices that foster a healthy work environment and effective communication support these efforts and ultimately contribute towards employee retention.  
  • Creating and Selling Cannabis Infused Products

    This course provides an introduction to the cannabis-infused product industry. Understand the law that governs and will govern cannabis-infused products in Canada, be able to distinguish between the principal ingredients that make up a cannabis-infused product, comprehend the different methods of production and understand the difference between a medical and recreational cannabis-infused product. Once you have completed this course, you will be able to understand and demonstrate the skills to provide general knowledge related to cannabis and cannabis edible products in Canada. *Become a member to receive 20% off 
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 8: Health and Safety

    Workplace health and safety (H&S) is a must for all organizations. Employers must show due diligence by taking all the precautions that are reasonable to protect the well-being of employees.  Employees must share in this responsibility by exhibiting a working knowledge of health and safety topics and by participating in efforts towards protecting themselves and anyone else around them.  
  • TEMPLATE: Safety Footwear Reimbursement Form

    This form outlines all fields required when the company purchases and owns an employee’s safety equipment. Complying with safety standards is vital in any industry, however is especially important when working in Food Manufacturing. Footwear is one of the most common requirements all employees must comply with in order to work safely. This cost can be a lot to ask of new hires before any wages have been earned, and it is common for employers to absorb the cost and introduce regulations like footwear cannot be removed from designated locations in the workplace to maximize safety. *From Module 4 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.

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