• TEMPLATE: Accommodation and Anti-Harassment Policies

    Diversity and Workplace Violence are extremely important policies to enforce and distribute to your employees. They address the rights and responsibilities of both employers and their employees in regard to working in safe, inclusive environments. Policies Include: Accommodation Policy Checklist Acknowledgement of Diversity Policy Objectives Statement of Applicability Roles and Responsibilities of employer and staff Communication Training Monitoring Anti-Harassment Policy Checklist Descriptions of Harassment and Harassing Behaviour Employee Rights Employer’s Responsibilities Deal with allegations seriously and quickly Investigate all complaints considering: Reasonable timeframes for action Persons Responsible for Making Decision Protect against victimization or retaliation Enforce a zero-tolerance approach Communicating Training Mentoring *From Module 9 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Conflict Resolution Policy & Procedures

    This resource outlines the roles and responsibilities required of both employees and management in the event of any workplace conflict. Ready to print, distribute and keep ready for the day you will need to use these policies and practices. This template is easy to customize, ready to tailor to suit your organization’s brand, and will complement your existing policies and procedures surrounding the resolution of workplace violence. Examples include: Policy Statement Procedures Three Step Processes Conflict regarding workplace practice and policies Documentation *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.