Contact Us

Canadian Food Processors Institute

A division of Food Processing Skills Canada (FPSC).

3030 Conroy Road, Suite 201

Ottawa, Ontario K1G 6C2

Phone: 613-237-7988

Toll Free: 1-877-96FPHRC (963-7472)

Fax: 613-237-9939


Say Hello

Are you interested in assessing one of our courses for your organization’s training? You can reach us Monday-Friday , 9am-5pm (EST) by telephone at 1-877-963-7472 or submit the following form.

    Our organization had its beginnings in a two year, two phase initiative in order to create the council, which was heavily supported by the food and beverage processing and manufacturing industry across Canada.

    Since 2009, FPSC has been working with industry partners, educators, processors, and regulatory agencies to develop a prosperous industry. Our leading edge standards and human resources strategies and programs set the benchmark for employee preparedness and productivity. Our organization had its beginnings in a two year, two phase initiative in order to create the council, which was heavily supported by the food processing and manufacturing industry across Canada.

    Explore our courses

    We provide accessible food safety training to thousands across Canada (and the world).