• TEMPLATE: Turnover Rate Calculation Tool

    This one-page resource makes it easy to calculate your employee turnover rate per month. Package Includes: Departures Per Month Voluntary Retirement Dismissal Discharged Other Active Files Active Files per Month Hires per month *From Module 7 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 7: Retention

    Managing your business for employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees satisfied, motivated and engaged so they remain employed and fully productive with your organization. A comprehensive employee retention program includes measuring turnover, taking stock of employee satisfaction and understanding why employees leave the organization.  Daily practices that foster a healthy work environment and effective communication support these efforts and ultimately contribute towards employee retention.  
  • TEMPLATE: Reference Check Guide

    3.6 Reference Check Guide Most employment applications request the ability to conduct a reference check with a prospective candidate’s previous employers. This three-page guide allows your human resources team to easily prepare for, conduct and score candidates based on the process of checking references provided during the application process. Sections Include: Preparing to make a Reference Check Conducting the Reference Check Evaluation & Scoring Common Reference Check Questions Performance Assessment Grid *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 8: Health and Safety

    Workplace health and safety (H&S) is a must for all organizations. Employers must show due diligence by taking all the precautions that are reasonable to protect the well-being of employees.  Employees must share in this responsibility by exhibiting a working knowledge of health and safety topics and by participating in efforts towards protecting themselves and anyone else around them.  
  • TEMPLATE: Exit Checklist

    Use our termination checklist to verify all necessary steps have been taken to ensure a smooth transition from the company. This is a ready to use on-page tool to sign off on all mandatory termination steps i.e. security and employee badges returned, pager, computer, company cell phone... The template is designed to be signed off by the employee, Human Resources and Payroll. Termination Checklist Includes: Employee Information Termination Information Items for Collection Contracts to Terminate Signatures *From Module 10 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Sample Conflict Resolution Policy & Procedures

    This resource outlines the roles and responsibilities required of both employees and management in the event of any workplace conflict. Ready to print, distribute and keep ready for the day you will need to use these policies and practices. This template is easy to customize, ready to tailor to suit your organization’s brand, and will complement your existing policies and procedures surrounding the resolution of workplace violence. Examples include: Policy Statement Procedures Three Step Processes Conflict regarding workplace practice and policies Documentation *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • TEMPLATE: Application Form

    Most employment applications request standard details such as an applicant’s basic personal information. Start with the template below; consider your needs as an employer and the actual job requirements. Customize your application form to be truly effective. Replace all text in italics with your own information as required. Sections Include: Personal Information Training & Education Work History *From Module 3 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.
  • Human Resources (HR) Toolkit – MODULE 4: Compensation and Benefits

    Maintaining equitable compensation and benefits is a key factor for employee satisfaction and for attracting, retaining and motivating employees. This module examines the process for establishing fair and effective compensation, rewards and benefits programs.  
  • TEMPLATE: Complaint Management Evaluation Grid

    How effective is your complaint management system? This tool will help you assess your organization’s effectiveness in addressing staff complaints and determine if you need to revise your approach. A useful resource when responding to any questions or concerns about your organization’s process and efficacy. Questions Include: Do you treat all complaints without pre-judgment and avoid confrontation? Do you analyze all relevant facts gathered from employees and witnesses before your decision? Do you immediately correct mistakes? Do you explain the reasoning behind decisions taken? Do you aim for solutions that are mutually acceptable? *From Module 1 of HR Toolkit, purchase full Module here.

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